New month, new report … here a report I whipped up … please comment on this.








Apache PLC4X (incubating)


PLC4X is a set of libraries for communicating with industrial programmable 
logic controllers (PLCs) using a variety of protocols but with a shared API.


Most important issues to address while moving towards graduation:

Building the community: The PPMC and committer group has a large percentage of 
codecentric employees, we have been recruiting people from other companies, but 
will have to continue these efforts for establishing a healthy Apache community.
Onboarding of new committers: With PLC4X several people on the team are not 
very familiar with the Apache Way. We have started and will continue our 
efforts on this onboarding.
Make our first release

Any Issues the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of:

In order to get access to some of the specifications the ASF will eventually 
have to become Members of some external foundations: OPC, EtherCat, Modbus … 
these memberships usually have a free level, that allows us to use the 
specifications but doesn’t result in any regular costs. We will have to discuss 
these details with the ASF and the other foundations.
One of the external foundations (Profinet) doesn’t have a free membership. In 
general, the CEO of the European branch of the Profinet Foundation has signaled 
that it should be possible for the ASF to become a member and have an outside 
company pay the membership fees, but we have to discuss the details (With them 
as well as the ASF).

How has the community developed since the last report?

The Podling Name Search has been resolved successfully 
We have finished the process of getting setup at Apache.
In of January a list of about 40 different companies, which have indicated 
interest in PLC4X in personal discussions have been directly contacted 
regarding our project, some have subscribed to our mailing lists.
A small number of new people have been popping up on our mailing lists.
On 23rd of January Christofer Dutz had a talk PLC4X at the Nortec 2018 
conference in Hamburg (Production industry conference) 
We have continuing our onboarding of new Apache committers (extended emails 
with a lot of explanations on why we are doing things the way we are)
Testing coverage has been improved over the initial code base
With Beckhoff, we managed to get a first major PLC vendor to support us with 
software as well as technical support. We hope on this having a signal-effect 
on other vendors.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Test coverage and SonarQube reported issues have been addressed hereby greatly 
increasing the quality of the initial POC code.
A lot of code and architecture reviews have been done which lead to great 
improvements in the API itself.
We have started work on a RawSocket Netty transport which is a requirement to 
implement protocols that are IP based, but are not TCP or UDP
We have started work on implementing a driver for the Beckhoff ADS protocol 
(Beckhoff is very helpful with providing Specs and Support for setting up a 
test environment)

How does the podling rate their own maturity?

We have a mix of new participants and experienced Apache people involved.
So far, the new participants have shown great willingness and success in 
adopting the Apache Way.
However, we still need to continue:
the on-boarding
increasing the diversity of the team
Also, will we need to decide and establish all the processes involved in 
releasing software at Apache





Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards

Christofer Dutz | Senior IT Consultant


codecentric AG | Kreuznacher Straße 30 | 60486 Frankfurt am Main | Deutschland 

mobil: +49 (1525) 3057806  <tel:+4915253057806>

fax: +49 (69) 75938200 <tel:+496975938200> <> | 
<> | 


Sitz der Gesellschaft: Solingen | HRB 25917| Amtsgericht Wuppertal

Vorstand: Michael Hochgürtel . Ulrich Kühn .

Rainer Vehns

Aufsichtsrat: Patric Fedlmeier (Vorsitzender) . Klaus Jäger . Jürgen Schütz


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