Hi all,

so as I mentioned in the last email about the scraper, I have invested about 7 
full days in cleaning up the SPI module after the refactoring session.
Now hopefully I have untangled some of the code that made it extremely hard to 
understand for me (And probably others).
I cleaned up in the packages quite a lot as Sebastian told me that the current 
structure was a result of “just merging multiple old module”.
I hope it’s a big step forward regarding maintainability of the SPI.

Also did I remove all deprecated stuff in the SPI. I think if we’re currently 
going to release all drivers in new versions anyways, there is no need in 
porting the old ones and then deleting them.
The changes that we would have needed would have been significant. So now only 
the next-gen drivers are enabled and all the old ones are commented out of the 
build (not deleted yet)

I also introduced the concepts of “transports” even if this concept was 
previously sort of there already, but it wasn’t exposed very well. Now every 
driver can define a default transport.
Here for example S7 would define “tcp”, BACnet/IP would define “udp”, AB-ETH 
would define “serial” … and a connection string like: s7:// would 
directly use TCP with a default port of 102.
But we can now override the transport: s7:raw://if4 would use the same S7 
driver but use a raw-socket using the network device “if4” for capturing. 
Interesting for testing will be the “pcap” transport.
Here you provide a path to a pcap file in the url and it will replay that as if 
it were a real “raw” transport.

Every transport defines a Config interface which can provide additional 
information such as the default-port for tcp, the replay-speed for pcap etc.
The driver configurations can implement these interfaces (but don’t have to).
A configuration can implement the transport config interfaces of multiple 

As the changes were so significant (I think about 250 changed files) … I 
decided to create a new branch so you can compare the branches.

Please review them and especially test your drivers … I don’t think that my 
port of all of them was 100% successful, but sometimes I didn’t have the 


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