Hi Wolfgang,

i added a small example to the ManualPLC4XOpcua file which will be included 
into the up comming OPC docu.

It is stripped down to the functions which are required to  create a 
subscription and does not include a further embedding into an application.

I hope it helps you!

String fieldAddress = "ns=2;s=HelloWorld/ScalarTypes/String"; // String in opc 
ua format to describe target value
String fieldName = "field1"; // local unique key for the requested variable
String connectionString = "opcua:tcp://"; 
// Address of the opc ua server

PlcConnection opcuaSubConnection =  new 
PlcDriverManager().getConnection(connectionString); // build connection
PlcSubscriptionRequest.Builder subBuilder =  
opcuaSubConnection.subscriptionRequestBuilder(); // get builder
subBuilder.addChangeOfStateField(fieldName, fieldAddress); // add the tuple of 
fieldName and Address to the request
PlcSubscriptionRequest subReq = subBuilder.build(); // build the request
PlcSubscriptionResponse subResp = subReq.execute().get(); // execute the build 
up of a subscription
Consumer<PlcSubscriptionEvent> consumer = plcSubscriptionEvent -> 
System.out.println("Your Information"); // create a consumer function for the 
PlcConsumerRegistration registration = 
subResp.getSubscriptionHandle(fieldName).register(consumer); // add the 
consumer to the created subscription  of the request and access it over the  
registration.unregister(); // Unsubscribe
// You done :)

Beste regards


Von: Wolfgang Huse <wolfgang.h...@nutanix.com>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 3. Mai 2020 15:02:51
An: dev@plc4x.apache.org
Betreff: Java Example for Subscription

could anybody provide me a small example how to use Subscription?
I am able to subscribe as example to a opcua field but I have difficulties to 
create the callback-function which is triggered when new values arrive.

I had a look at different examples but most of them use synchronous 
communication or async read but not Subscriptions.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen – With kind regards

Wolfgang Huse

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