So I noticed, while doing this

That the DriverManager has the two “getConnection” methods, but a load of 
others about listing drivers, accessing driver implementations etc.
So for now I settled with introducing a “PlcConnectionManager” interface and 
having the PlcDriverManager implement that (well … it already did)
This interface simply contains the two getConnection methods.

This way the CachedConnectionManager simply implements this interface and is 


From: Łukasz Dywicki <>
Date: Sunday, 8. January 2023 at 23:10
To: <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Refactor the PlcDriverManager in Java?
Hey Chris,
I second approach with interfaces as it clearly cuts implementation and
declaration of operations. It could also help people who use OSGi
because making a PlcDriverManager valid osgi service will be easier
(lighter) with interface. It boils down to runtime where proxy for
interface type is built in JVM while proxy for class involves cglib/asm etc.


On 8.01.2023 15:35, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m currently working on a new Connection Cache for Java and have stumbled 
> over two things:
> The one is the fact, that the PlcDriverManager is a class and not an 
> interface.
> This makes it problematic for me to have the PlcDriverManager implement the 
> same interface.
> I could probably override every method, so this is not a big problem.
> However, having a PlcDriverManager interface would be the cleaner solution.
> This would require us to change the name of the current PlcDriverManager 
> class to something like DefaultPlcDriverManager… this would be a breaking 
> change.
> Another is that the getConnection doesn’t return a Future … the main reason 
> for this was the try-with-resources pattern, that automatically closes the 
> PlcConnection returned from getConnection.
> However, returning a future might be the better option and it would be more 
> like in the other languages.
> Especially when we’re working with cached connections. Here a client might be 
> waiting a while till it gets a connection handle.
> This also would be a breaking change.
> What do you folks think?
> Chris

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