
Sorry for being unresponsive, I have to forward your request to the
dev-mailing list as I have only little time to spend on Apache POI
currently and the resulting questions/updates would be handled by the
active developers as a whole, so it's the whole group that will be able to
decide if we want to participate, usually this is done via a short vote.

@devs: I think it would be useful to have POI be used in this research, so
I vote +1 to go ahead. If anybody is interested and wants to be involved
more, let Marco know!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marco Gerosa <marco.ger...@nau.edu>
Date: Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Challenge on automatic generation of documentation
To: cen...@apache.org

Dear Dominik,

Just a follow-up on the previous message. Please, let me know if you
received it and if you have any timeline to evaluate the proposal so that I
can update my co-organizers.

Thank you very much for your time.


Marco Gerosa

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 8:24 AM Marco Gerosa <marco.ger...@nau.edu> wrote:

> Dear Dominik,
> I am writing on behalf of a group of researchers from multiple
> universities interested in software documentation. We plan to organize a
> workshop that will include a tool challenge for automatically creating
> Javadoc-like document and we are identifying a project on which the
> participants will apply their tools to generate documentation. The POI
> project would be a perfect subject for the challenge. We expect that the
> challenge will increase the visibility of the project, and hopefully
> produce some useful documentation for it.
> Do you have any objection if we use POI as a subject for the challenge?  The
> only potential side effect that we foresee is that the challenge
> participants may try to contact the POI developers with requests for
> information.
> Assuming you have no objections, we would be very happy if you or someone
> else from the project would get involved. There are multiple ways you could
> be involved, such as: being an invited judge at the workshop, answering
> questions from the organizing team, answering questions from the challenge
> participants, or giving feedback on the material we will provide to the
> participants.
> We plan to run the workshop at the end of September 2018, in Madrid, Spain.
> Sincerely,
> Marco Aurelio Gerosa
> Northern Arizona University
> --
> Marco A. Gerosa (http://www.marcoagerosa.com)
> Associate Professor
> Northern Arizona University (http://nau.edu/siccs/)
Marco A. Gerosa (http://www.marcoagerosa.com)
Associate Professor
Northern Arizona University (http://nau.edu/siccs/)

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