--- Comment #2 from J Khanna <> ---
Use case: create a single deck by merging all the slides from different decks

Source decks has different slide layouts, sizes.
To load decks source decks, and merge them I'm using Apache POI 5.2.3. 

0) create an empty target deck
1) load decks from input stream
2) iterate over slides on the deck
4) create new slide in the target deck using the layout (each slide can have
different layout), contents of the source deck
5) repeat step#1 until all the source decks have been imported to target deck
as new slides
6) export the merged deck to file

Each step has inbuilt functions provided by Apache POI which have been
mentioned in stackoverflow as well.

Finally, while exporting the target deck using write operation of class:
XMLSlideShow, it throws mentioned exception.

  Note: this exception is only logged if we use slide layouts of the source
slides to create target.

  Code for each step has been mentioned in stackoverflow otherwise I can post
it here

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