--- Comment #4 from ---
(In reply to PJ Fanning from comment #3)
> I tested your xlsm file and this code seems to get the macrosheet part
>             String relType =
> "";;
>             PackageRelationshipCollection prc =
> workbook.getPackagePart().getRelationships();
>             assertNotNull(prc);
>             assertEquals(6, prc.size());
>             PackageRelationshipCollection prc2 =
> prc.getRelationships(relType);
>             assertNotNull(prc2);
>             assertEquals(1, prc2.size());
> workbook.getPackage() checks the wrong relationships - you need
> workbook.getPackagePart().getRelationships()

Thanks, I get macrosheets part like this, but if I try to removeRelationship
then document doesn't open. Do you have a solution for that? And yes
stackoverflow question is mine.

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