

[PJ Fanning] update sonarqube plugin

[PJ Fanning] [bug-66614] remove limit on offset function params

[PJ Fanning] [bug-66614] remove limit on offset function params

[PJ Fanning] [bug-66612] get macrosheet xml (test)

[PJ Fanning] [bug-66612] get macrosheet xml (test)

[PJ Fanning] [bug-66612] get macrosheet xml (test)

[PJ Fanning] add content types for macrosheets

[PJ Fanning] try to fix issue with rendering of source code

[PJ Fanning] update jacoco

[PJ Fanning] use gradle for java 20 build

[...truncated 514.00 KB...]
 warning: no @param for pkg
  [javadoc]     public boolean validatePackage(OPCPackage pkg) throws 
InvalidFormatException {
  [javadoc]                    ^
 warning: no @throws for 
  [javadoc]     public boolean validatePackage(OPCPackage pkg) throws 
InvalidFormatException {
  [javadoc]                    ^
 warning: no @throws for
  [javadoc]     public void save(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
  [javadoc]                 ^
 warning: no @param for loadRelationships
  [javadoc]     protected abstract PackagePart createPartImpl(PackagePartName 
  [javadoc]                                    ^
 warning: no @throws for
  [javadoc]     protected abstract void closeImpl() throws IOException;
  [javadoc]                             ^
 warning: no @throws for
  [javadoc]     protected abstract void saveImpl(OutputStream outputStream)
  [javadoc]                             ^
 warning: no @throws for 
  [javadoc]     protected abstract PackagePartCollection getPartsImpl()
  [javadoc]                                              ^
 warning: no @return
  [javadoc]     public abstract boolean isClosed();
  [javadoc]                             ^
 warning: no @throws for org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JException
  [javadoc]     PackageRelationshipCollection getRelationships() throws 
  [javadoc]                                   ^
 warning: no @throws for
  [javadoc]     public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
  [javadoc]                         ^
 warning: no @param for category
  [javadoc]     void setCategoryProperty(String category);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for category
  [javadoc]     void setCategoryProperty(Optional<String> category);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for contentStatus
  [javadoc]     void setContentStatusProperty(String contentStatus);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for contentStatus
  [javadoc]     void setContentStatusProperty(Optional<String> contentStatus);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for contentType
  [javadoc]     void setContentTypeProperty(String contentType);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for contentType
  [javadoc]     void setContentTypeProperty(Optional<String> contentType);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for created
  [javadoc]     void setCreatedProperty(String created) throws 
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for created
  [javadoc]     void setCreatedProperty(Optional<Date> created);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for creator
  [javadoc]     void setCreatorProperty(String creator);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for creator
  [javadoc]     void setCreatorProperty(Optional<String> creator);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @return
  [javadoc]     Optional<String> getDescriptionProperty();
  [javadoc]                      ^
 warning: no @param for description
  [javadoc]     void setDescriptionProperty(String description);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for description
  [javadoc]     void setDescriptionProperty(Optional<String> description);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for identifier
  [javadoc]     void setIdentifierProperty(String identifier);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for identifier
  [javadoc]     void setIdentifierProperty(Optional<String> identifier);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for keywords
  [javadoc]     void setKeywordsProperty(String keywords);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for keywords
  [javadoc]     void setKeywordsProperty(Optional<String> keywords);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for language
  [javadoc]     void setLanguageProperty(String language);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for language
  [javadoc]     void setLanguageProperty(Optional<String> language);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @return
  [javadoc]     Optional<String> getLastModifiedByProperty();
  [javadoc]                      ^
 warning: no @param for lastModifiedBy
  [javadoc]     void setLastModifiedByProperty(String lastModifiedBy);
  [javadoc]          ^
 warning: no @param for lastModifiedBy
  [javadoc]     void setLastModifiedByProperty(Optional<String> lastModifiedBy);
  [javadoc]          ^
  [javadoc] 100 warnings
      [jar] Building jar: 

      [zip] Building zip: 
      [tar] Building tar: 
     [echo] Distribution located in 
     [echo] Use "ant dist-checksum" to create sha256/sha512 checksums and GPG 


     [copy] Copying 1 file to 

    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [echo] *****************************************************
     [echo] Summary
     [echo] -------
     [echo] Generated at: 2023-05-28T08:06:21Z
     [echo] Notes: 0
     [echo] Binaries: 102
     [echo] Archives: 0
     [echo] Standards: 3841
     [echo] Apache Licensed: 3841
     [echo] Generated Documents: 0
     [echo] JavaDocs are generated, thus a license header is optional.
     [echo] Generated files do not require license headers.
     [echo] 0 Unknown Licenses
     [echo] *****************************************************
     [echo]   Files with Apache License headers will be marked AL
     [echo]   Binary files (which do not require any license headers) will be 
marked B
     [echo]   Compressed archives will be marked A
     [echo]   Notices, licenses etc. will be marked N
     [echo] *****************************************************

[forbiddenapis] Reading bundled API signatures: jdk-unsafe-1.8
[forbiddenapis] Reading bundled API signatures: jdk-deprecated-1.8
[forbiddenapis] Reading bundled API signatures: jdk-internal-1.8
[forbiddenapis] Reading bundled API signatures: jdk-non-portable
[forbiddenapis] Reading bundled API signatures: jdk-reflection
[forbiddenapis] Reading API signatures: 
[forbiddenapis] Loading classes to check...
[forbiddenapis] Scanning classes for violations...
[forbiddenapis] Scanned 4968 class file(s) for forbidden API invocations (in 
12.35s), 0 error(s).
[forbiddenapis] Reading API signatures: 
[forbiddenapis] Loading classes to check...
[forbiddenapis] Scanning classes for violations...
[forbiddenapis] Scanned 3538 class file(s) for forbidden API invocations (in 
2.24s), 0 error(s).

     [echo]   This is POI 5.2.4-SNAPSHOT
     [echo]   Java Version 1.8/1.8.0_261, isJava8: true
     [echo]   Timestamp 20230528
     [echo]   The main targets of interest are:
     [echo]     - clean       Erase all build work products (ie. everything in 
the build directory)
     [echo]     - compile     Compile all files from main, ooxml and scratchpad
     [echo]     - test        Run all unit tests from main, ooxml and scratchpad
     [echo]     - jar         Produce jar files
     [echo]     - assemble    Produce the zipped distribution files
     [echo]     - site        Generate all documentation (Requires Apache 
     [echo]     - dist        Create a distribution (Requires Apache Forrest)



      [get] Destination already exists (skipping): 


Total time: 37 minutes 13 seconds
ERROR: Not all environment variables could be successfully injected. Check for 
similarly-named environment variables.
[poi-integration] $ /home/jenkins/tools/ant/latest1.10/bin/ant -file build.xml 
******** run


    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [echo] Found source package at 
    [unzip] Expanding: 
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 87 files to 
     [echo] Building in temporary dir 
     [exec] To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon 
process will be forked. See
     [exec] Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build 
     [exec] Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
     [exec] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
     [exec] * What went wrong:
     [exec] A problem occurred configuring root project 'poi'.
     [exec] > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'.
     [exec]    > Could not resolve 
     [exec]      Required by:
     [exec]          project : > 
     [exec]       > No matching variant of 
org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin: was found. 
The consumer was configured to find a library for use during runtime, 
compatible with Java 8, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared 
externally, as well as attribute 'org.gradle.plugin.api-version' with value 
'8.1.1' but:
     [exec]           - Variant 'apiElements' capability 
org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin: declares a 
library, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally:
     [exec]               - Incompatible because this component declares a 
component for use during compile-time, compatible with Java 11 and the consumer 
needed a component for use during runtime, compatible with Java 8
     [exec]               - Other compatible attribute:
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about 
org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.1.1')
     [exec]           - Variant 'javadocElements' capability 
org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin: declares a 
component for use during runtime, and its dependencies declared externally:
     [exec]               - Incompatible because this component declares 
documentation and the consumer needed a library
     [exec]               - Other compatible attributes:
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about its target Java 
version (required compatibility with Java 8)
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about its elements 
(required them packaged as a jar)
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about 
org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.1.1')
     [exec]           - Variant 'runtimeElements' capability 
org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin: declares a 
library for use during runtime, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies 
declared externally:
     [exec]               - Incompatible because this component declares a 
component, compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed a component, 
compatible with Java 8
     [exec]               - Other compatible attribute:
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about 
org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.1.1')
     [exec]           - Variant 'sourcesElements' capability 
org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin: declares a 
component for use during runtime, and its dependencies declared externally:
     [exec]               - Incompatible because this component declares 
documentation and the consumer needed a library
     [exec]               - Other compatible attributes:
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about its target Java 
version (required compatibility with Java 8)
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about its elements 
(required them packaged as a jar)
     [exec]                   - Doesn't say anything about 
org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.1.1')
     [exec] * Try:
     [exec] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
     [exec] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
     [exec] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
     [exec] * Get more help at
     [exec] BUILD FAILED in 26s

 exec returned: 1

Total time: 33 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
[SpotBugs] Skipping execution of recorder since overall result is 'FAILURE'
ERROR: Not all environment variables could be successfully injected. Check for 
similarly-named environment variables.
Archiving artifacts
ERROR: Not all environment variables could be successfully injected. Check for 
similarly-named environment variables.
Recording test results
ERROR: Not all environment variables could be successfully injected. Check for 
similarly-named environment variables.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
ERROR: Not all environment variables could be successfully injected. Check for 
similarly-named environment variables.

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