--- Comment #1 from Tonny <> ---
Comment on attachment 38567
Export of many RichTextStrings with font styles To Excel

>import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFCell;
>import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook;
>import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont;
>import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
>public class ExportToExcelTest {
>       /**
>        * Test which created a number of rows in an Excel document using SXSSF.
>        * Each of the RichTextStrings in the cells are unique.
>        *
>        * The test is used to show that SXSSF can export RichTextString's, but 
> it has a problem as
>        * it require it to use SharedStringsTable. This cause memory 
> consumption to explode as the
>        * structure used to store the strings are not cleared for the rows 
> which are flushed.
>        */
>       public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>//             final int NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_CREATE = 1000; // Works OK
>               final int NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_CREATE = 600000; // Breaks on my 
> system as it gives an 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: 
> Java heap space'
>               //
>               // Create Workbook
>               //
>               // In order to be able to apply font styles on RichTextStrings 
> we need to keep the strings in memory.
>               // This is a huge disadvantage as the memory consumption will 
> increase greatly as the structure containing
>               // the strings are not reduced/cleared when the rows are 
> flushed.
>               SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(null, 100, false, true);
>//             SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(new XSSFWorkbook(), 100, 
>false, true); // Seems to result in the same as the above
>               //
>               // Create fonts used in test
>               //
>               // Create font with font 'Impact' and color dark blue
>               XSSFFont font1 = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font1.setFontName("Impact");
>               font1.setColor(IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE.getIndex());
>               // Crete font with font 'Arial' and color light blue
>               XSSFFont font2 = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font2.setFontName("Arial");
>               font2.setColor(IndexedColors.LIGHT_BLUE.getIndex());
>               // Create bold font
>               XSSFFont font_bold = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font_bold.setBold(true);
>               // Create italic font
>               XSSFFont font_italic = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font_italic.setItalic(true);
>               // Create font with double underline and red color
>               XSSFFont font5 = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font5.setUnderline(XSSFFont.U_DOUBLE);
>               font5.setColor(IndexedColors.RED.getIndex());
>               // Create sub script font
>               XSSFFont font_sub = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font_sub.setTypeOffset(Font.SS_SUB);
>               // Create super script font
>               XSSFFont font_super = (XSSFFont) wb.createFont();
>               font_super.setTypeOffset(Font.SS_SUPER);
>               //
>               // Create a sheet to put the rows into
>               //
>               Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
>               //
>               // Create X rows with almost the same data
>               //
>               for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TO_CREATE; ++i) {
>                       CreationHelper creationHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
>                       Row row = sheet.createRow(i);
>                       int column = 0;
>                       // Create cell for content with RichText in it
>                       SXSSFCell cell_1 = (SXSSFCell) row.createCell(column++);
>                       // Rich text string with two fonts applied - one used 
> in two places
>                       RichTextString richString = 
> creationHelper.createRichTextString("JavaCodePoint " + i);
>                       richString.applyFont(0, 4, font1);
>                       richString.applyFont(4, 8, font2);
>                       richString.applyFont(8, 13, font1);
>                       cell_1.setCellValue(richString);
>                       // Create another cell
>                       SXSSFCell cell_2 = (SXSSFCell) row.createCell(column++);
>                       RichTextString richString2 = 
> creationHelper.createRichTextString("This is another example of 
> XSSFRichTextString with sub and superscript a1 m2 " + i);
>                       richString2.applyFont(0, 15, font_bold);
>                       richString2.applyFont(15, 26, font_italic);
>                       richString2.applyFont(27, 45, font5);
>                       richString2.applyFont(72, 73, font_sub);
>                       richString2.applyFont(75, 76, font_super);
>                       cell_2.setCellValue(richString2);
>                       // Add 10 additional columns with a text string
>                       for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
>                               SXSSFCell cell = (SXSSFCell) 
> row.createCell(column++);
>                               RichTextString richTextString = 
> creationHelper.createRichTextString("Some content (" + i + "," + j + ")");
>                               cell.setCellValue(richTextString);
>                       }
>               }
>               // Write the output to a file
>               try (OutputStream fileOut = new 
> FileOutputStream("RichTextStringExample.xlsx")) {
>                       wb.write(fileOut);
>               }
>               // close the workbook
>               wb.close();
>               // Print the confirmation message
>               System.out.println("Excel file was created successfully!");
>       }

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