AFAIK XMLBeans is now maintained by the POI project itself, so it should not be 

> Am 04.02.2024 um 20:59 schrieb Dave Fisher <>:
> What version of Java is the minimum for XMLBeans? We should not forget 
> XMLBeans in this discussion.
> Best,
> Dave
>> On Feb 3, 2024, at 5:54 PM, Axel Howind <> wrote:
>> No one forces users of POI to update to the latest version. Going to 11 in 
>> POI 6 doesn't mean we
>> have to stop providing bug fixes to POI 5 from one day to the next. But 
>> whoever is still using
>> Java 8 is now certainly used to not being able to use the newest version of 
>> every dependency.
>> Most major frameworks and many libraries now have a baseline of at least 
>> Java 11. And many of
>> those that are still on 8 will also have to do the switch because features 
>> from older Java
>> versions will be removed and the replacements are not yet available on 8:
>> - finalizers (replaced by Cleaner introduced in 9)
>> - sun.misc.Unsafe (replacement depends on use case, some introduced from 9 
>> on)
>> Current minimum Java version for some of the most used framework and 
>> libraries:
>> Spring Framework and Spring Boot: java 17
>> WildFly: Java 11
>> Quarkus: Java 11
>> Hibernate: Java 11
>> KeyCloak: Java 17
>> RabbitMQ: Java 11
>> Even the IDEs require more recent versions to run (but can compile using 
>> older versions):
>> Eclipse: Java 11 (17 recommeded)
>> Netbeans: Java 11
>> IntelliJ: Java 17
>> Even some dependencies of POI already require Java 11 in their current 
>> version:
>> Jakarta XML bind: Java 11 is required for version 4.x
>> xmlsec: Java 11 is required for 4.x
>> And some will bump the Java version for their next major release:
>> Log4j 3.x will require Java 17
>> PDFbox 4.x will require Java 11
>> Saxon is (hopefully?) still Java 8 compatible but not tested anymore under 
>> Java 8
>> So staying on 8 would mean that POI will not be able to upgrade dependencies 
>> to the latest
>> versions of some of the dependencies and possibly rely on versions that will 
>> be unsupported in the
>> foreseeable future.
>> Moving to Java 11 will make the code easier to maintain. There are a lot of 
>> improvements in IO,
>> String handling, and collections that make the code more concise, easier to 
>> understand, and maintain.
>>> Am 03.02.2024 um 22:18 schrieb PJ Fanning <>:
>>> Current POI version is 5.2.5. So I presume the idea is to release a POI 6 
>>> with Java 11 only support. I'm -1 on this. I don't see any great advantage 
>>> in only supporting Java 11. Java 8 is still widely supported by vendors.
>>> says 6 more years of Java 8.
>>> On Saturday 3 February 2024 at 22:04:26 GMT+1, Axel Howind <> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> Hi,
>>> for whatever reason I cannot reach both the Nabble and MarkMail archives to 
>>> check if this has been discussed before, but I think it would be a good 
>>> idea to bump the minimum Java version for POI 5 to 11. I’d also be ok (or 
>>> rather like) 17. What do you think?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Axel
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