
We do use POI with Java 8. We deploy to customer environments where we don’t 
have a strong say in the runtime version. We do NOT think POI needs to support 
Java 8 in the next version.


> On Feb 25, 2024, at 08:03, Dominik Stadler <dominik.stad...@gmx.at.invalid> 
> wrote:
> So I see two +1 and one -1 from comitters, one user stated a +1 for
> updating support to Java 11+ in the next major version of Apache POI.
> Unfortunately still not a very decisive outcome :(
> So let's ask another way:
> *Are you using Apache POI with Java 8 and do you think that it needs to
> continue to support it in the next major version? If so, please speak up so
> we know about it!*
> Thanks... Dominik.
>> On Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 3:59 PM Axel Howind <a...@dua3.com> wrote:
>> I feel really bad that I mixed up versions when I asked this. POI 5 can of
>> course stay on Java 8 and everybody can be using POI 5 for as long as they
>> want. With Java 11 having reached Premier Support EOL in September last
>> year, we should be really having this conversation about Java 17 for POI 6
>> now.
>> IMHO anyone still running on Java 8 in 2024 either does not care about
>> running the latest version of every library they use, or accepts that
>> rather sooner than later his dependencies might not provide fixes for bugs
>> and security issues any more.
>>> * I am not aware of any dependency that we rely on that has fixes that
>> we can't uptake if we stick to Java 8 - ie the projects still publish Java
>> 8 friendly releases even if they have higher version releases that don't
>> support Java 8
>> We are talking about the next major release of POI that will be in
>> production through the coming years. Dependencies that come to mind:
>> - javax.xml.bind is deprecated. The natural replacement would be
>> jakarta.xml.bind that already requires Java 11.
>> - PDFBox will move to Java 11 in their next major version.
>> - Log4J 3 is currently in beta and has bumped the required runtime version
>> to Java 17 (https://logging.apache.org/log4j/3.x/release-notes.html).
>> Why can’t we do the same thing as those dependencies you mentioned?
>> Publish a Java 8 friendly POI 5 and POI 6 using a newer Java baseline?
>>> * I am not aware of any major Java runtime features that we need to
>> uptake that are not in Java 8
>> I am also not aware of any runtime features that POI needs that could not
>> have been solved in Java 4. But what we end up with is code that is slow
>> and adds maintenance cost that enables POI to be compatible with Java 8 and
>> is completely useless on Java 11+.
>> - Improved I/O in Java 11:
>>  Take the IOUtils.copy() methods as an example. They could be replaced by
>> a single IOStream.transferTo() call in Java 11 but we still copy every byte
>> manually.
>>  Another example: there are several toByteARRAY() METHODS IN IoUtils that
>> are all implemented by calling this method:
>>    private static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream stream, final int
>> length, final int maxLength,
>>                                      final boolean checkEOFException,
>> final boolean isLengthKnown) throws IOException {
>>        if (length < 0 || maxLength < 0) {
>>            throw new RecordFormatException("Can't allocate an array of
>> length < 0");
>>        }
>>        final int derivedMaxLength = Math.max(maxLength,
>>        if ((length != Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (derivedMaxLength !=
>> Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
>>            checkLength(length, derivedMaxLength);
>>        }
>>        final int derivedLen = isLengthKnown ? Math.min(length,
>> derivedMaxLength) : derivedMaxLength;
>>        final int byteArrayInitLen =
>> calculateByteArrayInitLength(isLengthKnown, length, derivedMaxLength);
>>        final int internalBufferLen = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
>>        try (UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream baos =
>> UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream.builder().setBufferSize(byteArrayInitLen).get())
>> {
>>            byte[] buffer = new byte[internalBufferLen];
>>            int totalBytes = 0, readBytes;
>>            do {
>>                readBytes = stream.read(buffer, 0,
>> Math.min(internalBufferLen, derivedLen - totalBytes));
>>                totalBytes += Math.max(readBytes, 0);
>>                if (readBytes > 0) {
>>                    baos.write(buffer, 0, readBytes);
>>                }
>>                checkByteSizeLimit(totalBytes);
>>            } while (totalBytes < derivedLen && readBytes > -1);
>>            if (BYTE_ARRAY_MAX_OVERRIDE < 0 && readBytes > -1 &&
>> !isLengthKnown && stream.read() >= 0) {
>>                throwRecordTruncationException(derivedMaxLength);
>>            }
>>            if (checkEOFException && derivedLen != Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
>> totalBytes < derivedLen) {
>>                throw new EOFException("unexpected EOF - expected len: " +
>> derivedLen + " - actual len: " + totalBytes);
>>            }
>>            return baos.toByteArray();
>>        }
>>    }
>> In Java 11, you’d call either stream.readNBytes() or stream.readAllBytes()
>> and put away with the IoUtils.toByteArray() implementation.
>> - String improvements:
>>  Currently we have to use code like `textContent.trim().split("\n“)` to
>> create an array of lines and then use a for-each loop to process the
>> entries. Not only is the regex compiled every time, but we also keep a
>> string array in memory that takes at least as much space as the input
>> string. In java 11, we’d work on the stream returned by
>> textContent.trim().lines() that does neither require compiling the regex
>> nor keeping a full copy of the input in memory.
>> - A cleaner API
>>  Instead of returning null (from public methods), we could return
>> Optional.
>> - An API to clean up resources:
>>  Cleaner introduced in Java 9 can help reduce memory footprint with very
>> low overhead by automatically cleaning up unused resources in cases where
>> try-with-resources cannot be used. If I remember correctly, we currently
>> have some bug reports that might be solved by using a Cleaner, but I
>> wouldn’t know how to properly fix those in Java 8.
>> With Java 17 we’d get:
>> - records: these could be used both internally and in the API and reduce
>> boilerplate code
>> - pattern matching for instanceof: This is not something one cannot live
>> without, but it can make the code much more concise and easier to maintain.
>> - the usual additions to the standard library (
>> https://javaalmanac.io/jdk/18/apidiff/8/)
>>> * For me, there is a better solution to optimising support for newer
>> Java versions while still supporting older Java versions - Multi Release
>> Jars [1]
>> That’s like doing a fork in one code base. We currently do that for
>> providing a module-info.class file. But do you really want to extend that
>> to utility classes? IMHO that would be a maintenance nightmare.
>>> * We have other Apache projects like Tika, Drill and Linkis that use POI
>> and some of those still apps still use Java 8 builds. We have 1000s of
>> other projects that depend on us - eg [2]
>> Apache Tika will require Java 11 in its upcoming version. Drill and Linkis
>> can stay on POI 5 and we can still provide security and important bug fixes
>> for that version.
>> And those projects won’t suddenly stop working because the next major
>> release of POI switches the Java version. They can stay on 5 for the time
>> being. Also, I took the time and looked at the most used projects from that
>> list, trying to figure out what Java version they require:
>> - Spring is already on Java 17
>> - DbUnit is on Java 1.4 - but that version is not even supported by
>> current POI, and there has been no update for two years.
>> - Apache Tika 3 will require Java 11
>> - PDI engine is Java 11
>> - EasyExcel is on Java 8
>> - JasperReports is  on 8 but prepares switching to 11
>> - Primefaces is on 8, but next version is already in RC and requires 11
>> - Drools is on 11
>> - OpenCms is on 8
>> - WSO2 Carbon API: didn’t find information about the java version
>> - Silverpeas is on 11
>> - HAPI FHIR: I didn’t find a reference to the Java version, but they use
>> Spring Boot 3 which is on 17
>> - Jahia is on Java 11
>> So the majority is already on Java 11+.
>>> * If you look at Stackoverflow or our mailing lists, there is a large
>> number of users who are using old POI versions and I think we need to avoid
>> making it harder for those users to upgrade. Java 8 still gets regular
>> security patches and depending on what you read, as many as 30% of Java
>> users still use Java 8 (eg [3[).
>> I think a large number will need to upgrade rather sooner than later with
>> practically all application servers man many other projects either are
>> already on 11 or even 17 or preparing the switch to Java 17. JBOSS/WildFly,
>> Spring, Quarkus, JOOQ, and many others.
>> Even Java 6 is supported until at least end of 2027 (by Azul), while other
>> vendors have already dropped Java 8 (Mircosoft OpenJdk).
>> Should we really dictate let those who refuse or cannot update their
>> systems dictate the future development of POI?
>> I really think we should move on to at least 11.

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