Hi All,

I noticed that the `ServerCnxTest#testCreateProducerTimeout` test
indicates that a producer will send a `CloserProducer` command when
producer creation times out for the client.

The Java client does not follow this protocol. When the producer
creation times out, it just schedules another attempt to create the

The C++ client does follow this protocol and is annotated with the
following comment:

> // Creating the producer has timed out. We need to ensure the broker closes 
> the producer
> // in case it was indeed created, otherwise it might prevent new create 
> producer operation,
> // since we are not closing the connection

I don't see anything in our official protocol spec indicating the
"right" behavior. Given the test coverage, it seems like the initial
design was to expect a `CloseProducer` command. However, I also see that
the broker's `ServerCnx` class will reply to a redundant `Producer`
command with a `ProducerSuccess` command, as long as the producer
is already created.

Should I submit a PR to update the Java client to send a
`CloseProducer` command when a `Producer` command times out?


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