Hi Apache Pulsar Community,

Greetings from the Pulsar Summit team! Thank you everyone who has been
supporting Pulsar Summit Asia 2021. However, because of an unexpected
pandemic, we are sorry that the date of Pulsar Summit Asia 2021 has to be
extended from *Nov 20-21, 2021* to *Jan 15-16, 2022*. To ensure a safe
conference environment for our community members is always the priority.
Pulsar Summit Asia 2021 will still be a hybrid event as we originally

In the meantime, more session submissions are welcomed! We believe that
more Pulsar successes are foreseen during the extension, submit your story
here before *December 15th* if you have reached further achievements in
running Pulsar!

Please stay tuned and stay healthy. And we will keep the updates once the
situation changes.

[1] *Submit your session here*:
[2] *Register for Pulsar Summit Asia 2021*:

Best Regards,
Pulsar Summit Team

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