
On 2021/12/09 15:29:55 Michael Marshall wrote:
> Hello Pulsar Community,
> I'd like to propose that we release 2.7.4. We have merged several
> important fixes since we released 2.7.3 in August.
> I am happy to volunteer to be the release manager.
> Here [0] you can find the list of 36 commits cherry-picked to
> branch-2.7 since 2.7.3 release. It looks like there are more PRs
> labeled with `release/2.7.4` than commits cherry-picked, so I will
> need to work on cherry-picking those before we can create the tag for
> the release [1].
> Also, I see 3 open PRs labeled with `release/2.7.4`. I'll follow up on
> each of those PRs to see if they will be completed soon.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> [0] - https://github.com/apache/pulsar/compare/v2.7.3...branch-2.7
> [1] - 
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Arelease%2F2.7.4

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