Before we get further into the implementation, I'd like to discuss
whether the current behavior is the expected behavior, as this is
the key motivation for this feature.

I think the DLQ's current behavior is the expected behavior because
the DLQ is only a topic and topics lose messages unless they have a
subscription or a retention policy.

I admit that it is not necessarily a nice default behavior to
potentially lose messages, but this is the design for all topics.
Based on the current design, an admin can create a retention policy
for the topic or namespace. Then, consumers of the
topic have the duration of the retention policy to discover the topic
and create a subscription before messages are lost. Is there a reason
this solution doesn't work for the DLQ topic?

Perhaps the disconnect here is that users of the DLQ feature do not
view the DLQ as only a Pulsar topic. I look forward to your thoughts.

As an aside, I wonder if topic discoverability is part of the problem
here. It would be extremely valuable to get notifications any
time a topic is created. That would allow users to move away from
polling for current topic names towards a more reactive design.


On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 7:59 PM Zike Yang
<> wrote:
> > Oh, that's a very interesting point. I think it'd be easy to add that
> > as "internal" feature, though I'm a bit puzzled on how to add that to
> > the producer API
> I think we can add a field `String initialSubscriptionName` to the
> Producer Configuration. And add a new field `optional string
> initial_subscription_name` to the `CommnadProducer`.
> When the Broker handles the CommandProducer, if it checks that the
> initialSubscriptionName is not empty or null, it will use
> initialSubscriptionName to create a subscription on that topic. When
> creating the deadLetterProducer or retryLetterProducer, we can specify
> and create the initial subscription directly through the Producer.
> What do you think?
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 7:42 AM Matteo Merli <> wrote:
> >
> > > What if we extended the `CommandProducer` command to add a
> > > `create_subscription` field? Then, any time a topic is auto
> > > created and this field is true, the broker would auto create a
> > > subscription. There are some details to work out, but I think this
> > > feature would fulfill the needs of this PIP and would also be broadly
> > > useful for many client applications that dynamically create topics.
> >
> > Oh, that's a very interesting point. I think it'd be easy to add that
> > as "internal" feature, though I'm a bit puzzled on how to add that to
> > the producer API
> --
> Zike Yang

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