Thanks reply,

> If AUTO_ACK is TRUE, then the JavaInstanceRunnable will be acking messages.
> If AUTO_ACK is  FALSE, then the acking will be done by Sink implementation.

A little confused, I want to know why AUTO_ACK is designed this way.

I'll give another example:

> If AUTO_ACK is TRUE, then the JavaInstanceRunnable will be acking messages.

And if Guarantees != ATMOST_ONCE,then the JavaInstanceRunnable not will ack 

> JavaInstanceRunnable#run():Line273

Baodi Shi

> 2022年5月10日 01:0009,Neng Lu <> 写道:
> Thanks for this detailed discussion about processing guarantee and ack.
> These two settings are together affecting the behavior of a running function.
> One thing I want to clarify is: 
> AUTO_ACK setting means if the function runtime will ack messages or not. 
> ("function runtime" here specifically refers to the JavaInstanceRunnable. If 
> the ack happens inside a sink's implemented write method, it's not auto-ack). 
> If AUTO_ACK is TRUE, then the JavaInstanceRunnable will be acking messages.
> If AUTO_ACK is  FALSE, then the acking will be done by Sink implementation.
> Now with this context, let's review your two scenarios:
>> 1.If the user set Guarantees == ATMOST_ONCE and autoAck == false.
> To be precise, the processing semantics is not ATLEAST_ONCE. It's actually 
> left to the implemented Sink to decide which semantics it is. It can be 
>> 2. If the user thinks that the framework doesn’t auto ack when autoAck == 
>> false
> This behavior is actually correct based on our previous context.
> A real problematic scenario here is when USER sets 
> ATLEAST_ONCE/EFFECTIVELY_ONCE and AUTO_ACK=true. I don't think the 
> JavaInstanceRunnable can ack for use under these cases. So there should be 
> some check to ban user submit function with such configs.
> On 2022/05/09 09:02:12 Baozi wrote:
>> Hi, guys:
>> I found out that autoAck configuration in function framework now affects 
>> Delivery semantics, and make it difficult for users to understand. Refer to 
>> the following two scenarios.
>> 1. If the user understands that the semantics of Guarantees shall prevail
>> If the user set Guarantees == ATMOST_ONCE and autoAck == false. Then the 
>> processing semantics of the actual Function will become ATLEAST_ONCE. Refer 
>> to the following code, this scenario will not immediately ack.
>> JavaInstanceRunnable#run():Line273  
>> <>
>> if (instanceConfig.getFunctionDetails().getProcessingGuarantees() == 
>> org.apache.pulsar.functions
>>        .proto.Function.ProcessingGuarantees.ATMOST_ONCE) {
>>    if (instanceConfig.getFunctionDetails().getAutoAck()) { // just when 
>> autoAck == true to auto ack
>>        currentRecord.ack();
>>    }
>> }
>> 2. If the user thinks that the framework doesn’t auto ack when autoAck == 
>> false
>> According to the following code, the framework is still automatically acked.
>> PulsarSinkAtLeastOnceProcessor#sendOutputMessage():Line275 
>> <>
>> PulsarSinkEffectivelyOnceProcessor#sendOutputMessage():Line325 
>> <>
>> public void sendOutputMessage(TypedMessageBuilder<T> msg, SinkRecord<T> 
>> record) {
>>    msg.sendAsync()
>>            .thenAccept(messageId -> record.ack()) 
>>            .exceptionally(getPublishErrorHandler(record, true));
>> }
>> To sum up, users may be confused when configuring Guarantees and autoAck, 
>> and cannot judge their correct expected behavior.
>> I would like to discuss whether it is possible to cancel the autoAck 
>> configuration and add a CUSTOM type for Guarantees.
>> switch (processingGuarantees) {
>>      case Guarantees.ATMOST_ONCE: After the framework consumes the message, 
>> it immediately acks
>>      case Guarantees.ATLEAST_ONCE: After processing on the source side, 
>> perform ack again
>>      case Guarantees.EFFECTIVELY_ONCE: After processing on the source side, 
>> perform ack again
>>      case  Guarantees.CUSTOM: The function framework does not help users 
>> with any ack operations and semantic guarantees
>> }
>> If you have any ideas, welcome to discuss. If everyone agrees with this 
>> idea, I will mention a PIP to promote implementation.
>> Thanks,
>> Baodi Shi

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