I created a new PIP about a new AccessMode for the Producer.

This is the PR: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/15488

Honestly I don't like the name "ExclusiveWithFencing", any suggestion
is really appreciated.



In PIP-68 we introduced two access modes for the Producer:

Exclusive: The producer is the only one who can publish to the topic.
Fail if there is another Exclusive Producer connected to the topic
while creating the new Producer.
WaitForExclusive: Like Exclusive, but instead of Failing we are going
to wait for the current Exclusive Producer to disconnect.

Those two modes are very powerful and allow you to perform some kind
of Locking on a topic.

We are missing a third more, in which the Producer always succeeds to
acquire the Exclusive lock on the topic by fencing out any other
Producer that is connected, even the current Exclusive Producer and
the other Producers waiting in WaitForExclusive mode.


The modes that are available with PIP-68 require a writer to acquire
the lock and release it as soon as possible in order to allow other
clients to write to the topic.

With the new mode it will be possible to implement locking in another
way: the Producer holds the lock until someone else steals it. This
way when you have very low contention you can achieve better latency
for writes because you don't have to acquire the lock every time you
want to write,.

API and Wire protocol Changes


a new constant on the Wire Protocol for AccessMode
a new constant in the Java Client API AccessMode#ExclusiveWithFencing


The new mode will behave mostly like AccessMode#Exclusive but instead
of failing in case of the presence of other Producers it will force
all of the current connected Producers to be removed and invalidated
(they will see ProducerFencedException).

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