Il Mer 20 Lug 2022, 18:05 Yan Zhao <> ha scritto:

> Hi, Enrico. If we bind the the topic with per-tenant, when tenant be
> deleted or the tenant not be load anymore, we data in the tennat system
> topic can't be consumed before the tenant next load.

This is a good point.

So let's go with the system topic.

Are we adding a configuratio flag?


> On 2022/07/14 15:35:16 Enrico Olivelli wrote:
> > This is very interesting.
> >
> > I have only one concern.
> > I think that we should at least use a per-tenant system topic, or,
> > better, per-namespace.
> > There is no need to create the deletion topic if there is nothing to
> delete.
> >
> > I am used to dealing with Pulsar clusters in which Tenants are
> > strictly isolated.
> > Introducing another component that is not tenant aware it kind of a
> > problem (we already have such problem with the Transaction
> > Coordinator)
> >
> > Enrico

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