I'm going to push the Docker images for the 1st candidate soon.
Unfortunately, when I followed the 10th step "Publish Docker Images",
I found the tag doesn't have the "-rc" suffix.

cd docker
DOCKER_USER=bewaremypower DOCKER_PASSWORD="<my-password>" 
DOCKER_ORG=bewaremypower ./publish.sh

I didn't have a deep look into the `build.sh` and `publish.sh`. But I
think we need to make it clear for release manager in the documents.
I'm strongly against asking many questions directly to previous
release managers. Unfortunately, I did in the passed few days. The
documents could, and should be better.

Anyway, I will open a VOTE soon.


> 2022年8月11日 21:48,Yunze Xu <y...@streamnative.io> 写道:
> Hi all,
> Recently I'm working on the release of 2.8.4 and it's near the vote of
> the 1st candidate but I have some questions.
> From the tutorial [1] we can see, the 8th step is "Run the vote".
> However, the 7th step is "Write release notes", should we execute this
> step later? I see the 16th step is also "Write release notes" but the
> 16th step at the beginning of "Release workflow" section is "Update
> the site".
> In addition, I found the previous candidate [2] includes the docker
> images, which is not included in the template of the 8th step "Run the
> vote". It seems to be the 10th step "Publish Docker Images".
> It seems that the documents are not maintained well, which really
> makes me confused. Therefore, before voting for the 1st candidate, I
> want to get some clarifications from the mail list.
> [1] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/wiki/Release-process
> [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/q0g5ko617rb77b1wqpxy94ks5mq48d88
> Thanks,
> Yunze

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