> 2.11 has just been released and the release cycle is set to 3 months.

The release cycle wasn't really respected for 2.11...
We already have 5 months worth of features on the master branch and nothing
tells us that the release of 2.12 won't take 5 more months. And if we add 3
months to that...

> It's not a good idea to call for code freezes without appropriate
> warning, and code freezes don't make sense in general: the "master"
> branch must always be open for business.

> There was already a proposal to codify a formal release plan with
> prescribed timings for release RCs and stabilization.
> (https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/15966)
> It was actually discussed already very recently ((offline) that it's a
> good time to formally adopt it for the next release.

The code freeze I'm proposing is the one from this release plan. It's a
code freeze of the release branch, not of master.
Sorry if that was not clear. I used the word "code freeze" because that's
the one used in the PR. Maybe it's inappropriate and should be changed in
the PR.

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