Hi everyone! Enrico Olivelli asked me to repost it to the mailing list.

--- Me
I’m very worried that good answers from David Kjerrumgaard and others won’t be 
googleable because it’s in Slack. To make any search you need to pay a monthly 

In my opinion, it would be wiser to make StackOverflow, Discuss, or GitHub 
discussions a place for questions. And strictly redirect people who ask any 
question in Slack to the right place.
In GitHub discussions, you also can manage categories, as well as you can 
manage channels in Slack.

Subscription to a specific category is coming soon. 
The most important that it’s searchable.


--- Later me to David Kjerrumgaard
What do you think about the following workflow:
1. The user asks a new question in Slack.
2. You click the three dots button on his message -> “Convert to a GitHub 
3. The bot creates a new GitHub discussion in the “Q&A” category with the 
original message’s content.
4. The bot converts the original message to a thread and posts a message like:
> In order to keep history and make your question searchable by other Apache 
> Pulsar users, it has been converted to a GitHub discussion.
> Further conversation is available by this link: 
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/discussions/18766.
5. You answer the question on GitHub.

How it may work: 
I can try to implement it makes any sense for you. (edited)

Full original thread: 

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