Before I dive into the PIP, I have several questions on the background
provided below:

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 9:08 AM Rajan Dhabalia <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Right now, Pulsar provides the topic's stats and stats-internal over HTTP
> admin API, and this stats data is used by user applications and also by
> Pulsar internal components such as Pulsar-functions to derive the certain
> states of the applications.
> for example, there are use cases where the application wants to check the
> topic's backlog, subscription's state (readPosition, list of
> subscriptions), numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage, etc to bootstrap
> the application or handle the application’s resiliency and state
> dynamically. Applications can retrieve this stats information by using the
> broker’s admin HTTP APIs.
> However, stats retrieval over HTTP API doesn’t work well in use cases when
> users would like to access this API at a higher scale when a large number
> of application nodes would like to use it over HTTP which could overload
> brokers and sometimes makes broker irresponsive and impact admin API
> performance. It also becomes difficult when Pulsar is deployed in the cloud
> behind the SNI proxy and applications also want to access large-scale stats
> information periodically over different HTTP ports. Instead it would be
> better if applications can fetch stats over on the same binary protocol for
> scalability and accessibility reasons.

Why do you think using a binary protocol over HTTP would make more
performant to respond to multiple calls at once?
Same question but for the security issue - why do you think the HTTP port
of admin API is harder to access than the binary protocol port?

> Therefore, there are multiple use cases where producer/consumer
> applications need stats information for topics using the client library
> over binary protocol. Hence, this PIP introduces client API for producers
> and consumers to access topic stats/internal-stats information which can be
> used by applications as needed.
> Please visit and review the PIP:
> Thanks,
> Rajan

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