
In PIP-249<https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/19611>, Asaf Mesika proposed 
the Pulsar website redesign plan.
In short, the point is that the website should reflect that Pulsar is a modern 
and well-maintained technology.

Emidio Cardeira prepared the home page design, and we at Teal 
Tools<https://teal.tools/> took care of the coding part.
Big thanks to tison for the PR review and technical support.

The current changes affect only the visual look.
Further site content improvements will be done iteratively. I invite you to 
look at PIP-261<https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/19912> by Asaf.

Feel free to express your thoughts and tell us about some bugs.
The PR will be merged in the next few days.

- Demo: https://pulsar-site-pip-249.vercel.app/
- PIP-249: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/19611
- PIP-249 PR: https://github.com/apache/pulsar-site/pull/560

Best regards
Kiryl Valkovich
Teal Tools Inc.

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