+1 (binding)


Il giorno lun 26 giu 2023 alle ore 07:53 guo jiwei
<techno...@apache.org> ha scritto:
> +1 (binding)
> This is a bug and we need this fix.
> Regards
> Jiwei Guo (Tboy)
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 11:23 AM steven lu <lushiji2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > # Motivation
> >
> > reformat property,for a http header name cannot contain the following
> > prohibited characters: =,;: \t\r\n\v\f
> >
> > for example:
> > {"city=shanghai":"tag"}
> > when we run `bin/pulsar-admin topics get-message-by-id `, it will
> > throw exception, the exception is:
> > `Reason: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException:
> >
> > org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.internal.http.AsyncHttpConnector$RetryException:
> > Could not complete the operation. Number of retries has been
> > exhausted. Failed reason: a header name cannot contain the following
> > prohibited characters: =,;: \t\r\n\v\f: =`
> >
> > <img width="1288" alt="image"
> > src="
> > https://github.com/StevenLuMT/pulsar/assets/42990025/973d95b9-4ac2-4977-b160-162c4b53a613
> > ">
> >
> > # High Level Design
> >
> > In master branch,
> > in an http
> > request:getMessageById("/{tenant}/{namespace}/{topic}/ledger/{ledgerId}/entry/{entryId}"),
> > replace `"X-Pulsar-PROPERTY-" + msgProperties.getKey()` with
> > `"X-Pulsar-PROPERTY"`
> >
> > After release-3.1.0, this feature begins to take effect.
> >

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