Hi, community

I am proposing to refactor `Cmd*` classes’s measurement parsing logic.

## Background

As it stands, the parsing logic for measurement units such as time and
bytes in various CLI classes is implemented verbosely, contained in the Cmd
converter themselves. Leading to a lack of code reuse and possible

## Proposal

The idea is to refactor all `Cmd` classes to utilize the converter
functionality of JCommander (link[1]). This will allow us to isolate the
measurement-specific parsing logic and streamline the code, thereby
improving maintainability and reusability. See the concrete example in this
PIP for a more in-depth explanation.

There is ongoing PR to provide concept in (link [2])

## Concerns

1. Will this create too much work or introduce confusion?

By working class-by-class or inner-class basis, we can gradually refactor
the codebase without causing disruption. The changes are expected to
increase readability and maintainability, making future modifications
easier and less error-prone.

2. Will it affect existing functionality?

The proposed changes are meant to streamline and standardize the code
without altering functionality.

## Implementation

The initial focus will be on the following classes:

- `CmdNamespaces.java`

- `CmdTopics.java`

- `CmdTopicPolicies.java`

More classes may be added as the refactoring process continues.

Let me know what you think.



PIP : https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/20691

Links :

[1] https://jcommander.org/#_custom_types_converters_and_splitters

[2] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/20663

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