I want to start a discussion regarding the removal of all the code related
to the Trino (PrestoDB) plugin from the Pulsar main repository.

This topic was already discussed and approved long time ago in PIP-62 (

The main reasons for not having Presto plugin as part of the main
distribution of Pulsar were (and still are valid):

 1. We need to ship the entire Presto runtime which is ~400 MB. This makes
our tgz and Docker images huge
 3. There is no strict need for this component to be in the same
distribution / image: it could easily be provided in a different release
tgz or Docker image

Though I think that since then it became more clear that the current state
of this plugin has been stagnating over the years.

1. There are not many active users of Pulsar-SQL component (I'd be very
happy to be contradicted here)
2. The plugin code has not been improved in a long time
3. There are several open security issues (actually, almost the totality of
current dependencies issues are today coming from Trino).

My suggestion would be that, if there is any volunteer willing to pick this
plugin up and maintain it in a separate repository (within the Apache
Pulsar project) and with a separate release schedule, we should go ahead
and move it.
If there are no volunteers, we should just remove it as it is. If later on
we want to revive it, we can always import the code from the last commit.


Matteo Merli

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