To enhance our maintenance processes, I've created a guide for
configuring "git mergetool" to resolve merge conflicts:

For Apache Pulsar core developers, managing git merge conflict
resolution is a necessary task. To streamline this process, it's crucial
to set up tools that aid in visualizing and resolving these conflicts.

I encourage you to follow the guide to set up a git mergetool. Your
feedback is valuable, and you're welcome to contribute improvements
directly to the website. You can do this by creating a PR by editing
directly in your browser.


On 2024/03/01 14:01:55 Lari Hotari wrote:
> Dear Pulsar Community,
> As we prepare for new releases in our maintenance branches, we have once
> again encountered issues with our cherry-picking process. Some of our
> maintenance branches are currently broken or were recently broken,
> containing compilation errors or failing tests. Many have encountered
> these issues, as we have seen new PRs come in to address the
> problems. The compilation problems are already being addressed by
> Heesung (release manager for 3.0.3) and myself. We aim to resolve these
> issues as soon as possible. Please join #dev channel on Apache Pulsar
> Slack to collaborate in real time to help with this and get updates.
> The cherry-picking process has always been problematic and lacks clear
> documentation in Apache Pulsar. This often leads to our maintenance
> branches breaking, especially as we approach release dates and begin
> cherry-picking fixes. This recurring issue has been the subject of
> multiple discussions over the years. The "feature freeze" in the release
> process does not mitigate the key problem with the cherry-picking
> approach.
> Furthermore, the cherry-picking process is mostly based on tribal
> knowledge and lacks clear documentation. I have previously expressed my
> concerns about this on the mailing list in this thread:
> Many problems with cherry-picking arise because cherry-picks occur in
> the wrong order, or dependent changes are not picked. Some dependent
> changes shouldn't be picked since when we have made bug fixes in the
> master branch, it can already contain changes for new features that
> shouldn't be applied to maintenance branches. In those cases
> a backport of the fix is needed and the original developer of the 
> PR might not be available to do this and there could be a significant
> delay for the release if delivering the backport takes time.
> When cherry-picking and backporting is delegated to other developers, 
> in addition to delays, it can lead to coordination problems and commits
> being picked and applied in an order that results in even more merge 
> conflicts. Thankfully, this isn't usually too painful, but it does
> happen once in a while.
> A few days ago, I began working on improving the documentation of the
> current process. I have added a section where I share some thoughts and
> a tool to prevent future problems. You can find the document here:
> However, this does not fully describe the current process and will only
> help to some extent.
> The added section should help prevent cherry-picking in the wrong order,
> but it still has many gaps. Many developers do not have proper merge
> conflict resolution tools configured. Without proper 3-way diff
> visualization and merge tools, it's very difficult to resolve many of
> the merge conflicts without making mistakes. This also requires a deep
> understanding of the module where the conflicts occur.
> After we have made the next set of maintenance releases, I plan to
> propose an alternative to the cherry-picking process that will address
> the main issues that the Apache Pulsar project has been struggling with
> every time we do releases.
> The alternative would be to designate the LTS branch as the default
> branch, make bug fixes primarily in the LTS branch, merge fixes to newer
> branches, and cherry-pick to possible older branches. This common
> approach in many projects leverages what Git does well: handling
> development across multiple branches. This solution ensures that our LTS
> branch is always immediately in a releasable state and the branch will
> also become the most stable version of Pulsar since bug fixes are
> continuously evaluated and integrated into the LTS branch with our CI
> where bug fix PRs are targeted to the LTS branch.
> Stability was the original goal of PIP-175 where the LTS concept was
> introduced to Pulsar.
> I hope that our community would be open to making changes to the
> maintenance strategy to help resolve the pain that we have to deal with
> each time we make releases. Sometimes, this "cherry-picking vs. merging
> branches" discussion becomes a "tabs vs. spaces" type of pointless
> discussion where personal preferences are emphasized. I hope that we can
> avoid that and admit the fact that releasing Apache Pulsar LTS with this
> cherry-picking process is a pain and we must fix it to make progress as
> a development community.
> -Lari

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