Hi Dave,

The meeting is being conducted in the same exact way as it was when you
we’re participating in it.

Matteo Merli

On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 6:43 AM Dave Fisher <w...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi -
> I see from the last meeting the following agenda:
> > 2024/02/29
> > Attendees:
> > Lari Hotari
> > Jonas
> > Kevin Lu
> > Frank Kelly
> > Asaf Mesika
> > Chris Bono
> > David Jensen
> >
> > Agenda
> > PIP-341: Pluggable client metrics tracker interface
> > 1. Should the OTel implementation be included in the PIP, or as a
> separate follow-up PIP?
> > 2. Do we want to maintain compatibility with the existing stats system
> (ex. the public Producer /Consumer’s getStats() API), or keep the tracker
> interface completely separate (and deprecate the old system)? The current
> PIP attempts to maintain full compatibility, but I have detailed some of
> the challenges/solutions for maintaining compatibility with the old system.
> > Here is the draft https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/22145 <
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/22145>
> > Trivy container scan PR (https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/22063 <
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/22063>)
> > Pulsar-manager
> > Release notes / Upgrade notes . Making it easier to upgrade to newer
> Pulsar versions
> > Cherry-pick vs cascade branch merge
> I do not recall that any of this discussion made it to the mailing list.
> It looks like decisions are being made in the meeting.
> For example:
> 1. Is there anything in the PIP-341 discussion that could not have been
> brought to the mailing list in a [DISCUSS] PIP-341 thread?
>    The only thing I can find on a mailing list is this thread.
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/nott6fyo2vylv1d7nq3zwhsojm05fkgr <
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/nott6fyo2vylv1d7nq3zwhsojm05fkgr>
> 2, Trivy - I don’t see it brought back:
> https://lists.apache.org/list?*@pulsar.apache.org:dfr=2024-1-1|dto=2024-3-6:Trivy
> <
> https://lists.apache.org/list?*@pulsar.apache.org:dfr=2024-1-1%7Cdto=2024-3-6:Trivy
> >
> 3. Pulsar Manager - Nothing brought back to the mailing list:
> https://lists.apache.org/list?dev@pulsar.apache.org:dfr=2024-1-1|dto=2024-3-6:pulsar%20manager
> <https://lists.apache.org/list?dev@pulsar.apache.org:dfr=2024-1-1%7Cdto=2024-3-6:pulsar%20manager>
> <
> https://lists.apache.org/list?dev@pulsar.apache.org:dfr=2024-1-1%7Cdto=2024-3-6:pulsar%20manager
> >
> 4. Cherry pick question came back as this wall of text:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/j6qvt45rndnvjypcmqxsfmddqt41bxjv <
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/j6qvt45rndnvjypcmqxsfmddqt41bxjv>
> I can see how this can look to an outsider like decisions are being made
> in a non-open manner in a synchronous meeting.
> If you wish to continue with this meeting then please publish the agenda
> in advance to the Mailing List!
> Best,
> Dave

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