Hi Everybody,

Pulsar Client Go uses https://github.com/linkedin/goavro for avro encoded
messages. pulsar.Schema is automatically created with no way to override
when a message has a schema version.
A Consumer / Reader has access to the raw bytes of the message but does not
have access to the schema-definition of the message.

A) Should the Consumer / Reader be allowed to override the Schema creation
after schema-definition is retrieved from Schema Registry ?
B) Should the Consumer / Reader have access to query Schema Registry for
retrieving the schema-definition of the message ?
C) Should just drop linkedin/goavro and migrate to
https://github.com/hamba/avro because: avro to golang struct generation ->
see avrogen; Easier handling of "nullable" union. by having a field as a
pointer; benchmark shows to be faster than linkedin.

I would go for the flexibility as it will not break consumers using
linkedin/goavro but advice would be nice :)


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