On 1/15/09, Robert Greig <robert.j.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  I buy the argument that a full java multi-protocol bonanza is not
>  achievable in M5 timeline. And I also agree that one of the key things
>  users want is a stable product even in unforseen production
>  circumstances, so flow to disk would seem to be an important feature
>  to add for M5.
>  So if we accept that M5 will be a stability release, do we want to
>  risk destabilising other areas by performing signfiicant refactoring?

No, which is why I suggested the bits of refactoring that are at the
"good hygiene and cleanliness" end of the spectrum rather than the
"rip it out with a chainsaw, throw it up in the air and put it back
together with a blowtorch" end.

The I/O stuff is mostly about decoupling the protocol handler from
MINA, particularly the reliance on MINA byte buffers.

The seperation of the store into a transaction log and a disk store is
similary more about simplyfying (sp!) existing code, in this case
seperating message body storage and retrieval from metadata.

>  And I really think we should bin this silly Mx release numbering 
> convention:-)

That's an entirely different barrell of fish kettles full of worms. My
opinon hasn't changed since we discussed this in August:

- Aidan
Apache Qpid - World Domination through Advanced Message Queueing

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