
If you are working on (or plan to work on) the Java side for M5 - please can
you scope anything you intend to do into M5 please ?

Martin, Aidan & I have scoped the items we're working on into M5 (and are
posting about the design for new features). Aside from that, there are two
other JIRAs in M5 on the Java side. If this is really the scope/plan for M5,
then our roadmap needs revised for this release !!

It'd be good to have some discussions about some of the bigger ticket items
proposed for M5, but currently these don't appear to be on anyone's list for
M5 ?

C++ JIRAs for M5 would be good too, but not so dear to my heart !

FYI the Eclipse Management Console items are progressing separately to M5 as
we're hoping (as raised before Xmas on the list) for a separate release of
that component pre-M5.


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