I just committed a version without graphics. Shout if you hate me for it.
Steve Huston wrote:
Jonathan Robie wrote:
I don't like the class hierarchy diagrams in the C++
doxygen html. I
think I can suppress them. This would reduce file size, and
I think it
might make it easier to read.
Anyone want to tell me this would be a bad idea?
I'm responsible for putting those in - they seemed cool at
the time. They're probably not adding much value so if you
think its more readable without, and given the huge size, I'd
say go ahead and take them out. We can put them back if
there's widespread uproar, I suspect there won't be. People
who feel strongly can always generate their own customized
Right - for users, the only time they really add benefit is when the
method you think you want is in an ancestor of the class you're
reading and it's nice to have a map of where to look next. That's
somewhat of an issue with qpid, but not such a big deal that the space
is worth it, IMO.
Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project: http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project: http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org