Marnie McCormack wrote:
I think our download page should be just that !

There's a release compatibility matrix which shows which bits currently work
together - so I don't think the download page is the place to try and convey
this info. The python client (as the Java client) appears to be the same
package on both tables.

The current download page needs changed - it could be taken to imply to a
user that the java client and broker do not interop. Some info about interop
could be added, to explain that the C++ broker is not backwards compatible.

I can take a hack at trying to improve that, and then everyone can beat it up again. After a few itterations I
am sure we can get it better.

I'll mail the list once I have done an update, to try resolve the concerns raised.

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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