Hi all, I just found an eclipse plugin for confluence (and I think that it's
working offline too)... so I was thinking to condivide with you how is
composed my IDE:

**** Base Eclipse (Java + JUnit) ***
*For development and unit testing

**** Mylyn plugin (+JIRA extension) ***
*There is the base plugin and the extension for JIRA.
After installing you will see JIRA issue with a rich graphical editor. Of
course if you want there's "open (internal) browser" option too;
There are reminders for scheduled issue too (it's very nice)...

**** Subclipse (for Subversion) ***
*Working with SVN directly in Eclipse...basically you will have something
like Tortoise embeedded in Eclipse... :)

**** TimTam (for confluence) ****
You can view confluence repository, add / remove / edit pages using wiki

I don't know if for you is the same but for me having all tools on a sigle
IDE is a great great thing...


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