Gordon Sim wrote:
Aidan Skinner wrote:
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Aidan Skinner <ai...@apache.org> wrote:

Since the other thread got canned, let's hope we can get a resolution
on this one. Two questions, since there are orthogonal choices to be
made and Apache doesn't support condorcet voting.

Just a heads up that I'm going to tally this tomorrow, so if you want
a say stick your oar in soon. ;)

Would it be considered rude to ask for a summary of what the problems with the 'M' are? I was away when the thread started and though I have tried to catch up, I'm still not clear in that point. I'm aware that its awkward for the c++ automake build and consequently the c++ tarball does not include it. Are there other issues?

I primarily want to get rid of it for automake etc... and because it confuses people.

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