On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Robbie Gemmell
<robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One upcoming elephant to consider is going to be AMQP 1.0 support and
> how its new messaging/component model will affect the management
> interfaces. As the Java broker is presumably going to support the
> current protocol versions and gain 1.0 (+ 0-10), this could/will
> somewhat muddy the management waters.

I think we should exclude Desired Future Endstate from consideration
for this work. The 0-10 stuff is obviously relevant, since it will be
taking place concurrently.

Having said that, I think that there's definitely some work that can
be done to improve the current API.

> presumably mean some methods being added, removed, or possibly moved to
> new/existing MBeans. Alternatively, an entirely new set of JMX
> interfaces could be exposed and coexist with the existing set to handle
> the new model and old models seperately, moving to just the new set at
> some future time. So many possible options...

We're going to need to keep the existing API for a bit, if we're going
to be breaking stuff I strongly feel we need to do it for everything
at once (server config, client APIs etc).

Creating a new one entirely might not be inappropriate, but we are
going to have to coordinate it with qpid-cli amongst others. If we do
decide to do this we're going to need to do some requirements

> Another issue for discussion is versioning. In the previous work I did
> on the broker JMX capabilities, some issues cropped up with
> compatibility due to a required a change in the expected input (going
> from MD5-hashed password input to plain text to support a consistent
> user management interface) for some of the methods. Additional changes
> included altering of some attribute units for correctness and
> consistency, and introduction of some new attributes for FTD (since
> removed). These changes made it necessary and/or desirable to be able to
> distinguish the versions of each JMX MBean encountered, so a version
> property was added to the JMX ObjectName to do so. Depending on changes
> made to account for 1.0 management, it may be necessary or useful to
> rework this as well.

This makes doing that a bit easier. It's not something we want to do
lightly but it might be helpful. :)

One question we really want to solve is how to add functionality in a
less intrusive manner. Once we reach a stable API we're going to still
need to be able to extend it, and have plugins contribute their own
management functionality easily and portably.

- Aidan
Apache Qpid - Give me convenience or give me death

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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