On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Robert Godfrey<rob.j.godf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/6/25 Martin Ritchie <ritch...@apache.org>
>> Rajith,
>> I think we need to have a think about what we want from Failover. It
>> is so poorly tested just now having it disabled by default is probably
>> a very good idea.
> I am 100% in agreement that we should not have failover (retry) switched on
> by default.  the behaviour is not what you would expect from a JMS client.

Totally agreed. There were some nasty issues with some end users due
to the java client retrying by default and also retrying more than
expected. So by experience I also agree that we shouldn't retry by

I also agree that we need to differentiate between failover and retry.

> If people understand the retry mechanism and its limitations it is fine for
> them to switch it on (if it works).  We should also think about how we
> differentiate between retries/failover where no state is lost (which is
> possible in 0-10) and retries/failover where state is lost - they are most
> definitely not the same thing, and their presentation to the client
> application should be different (i.e. where no state is lost the failover
> can be invisible to the client application.  If state is potentially lost
> then the mechanism by which the client is informed of this should be made
> obvious.
> -- Rob


Rajith Attapattu
Red Hat

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
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