Hi all,

The Exchange MBeans have a bindings() method that returns the
information in a TabularData object containing CompositeData results.
The direct, fanout, and topic exchanges generate a result set where
each element contains: String BindingKey and String[ ] Queues (the
headers exchange does something different <mutter mutter>, but I

The direct exchange does the obvious and returns a series of
CompositeData elements containing the queue name and an array also
containing the queue name. The not so obvious thing to me is that the
fanout exchange does the same. This produces a results view like shown
below, whereby there is a 'binding key' for every queue bound to the
exchange (when infact no binding key at all is used for the exchange),
each associated with the single queue.


I dont really like that, it isnt representative of whats actually
going on, so id like to change it to return a single CompositeData
element within the TabularData which contains a 'wildcard binding'
with all the queue names in the associated list. This would lead to a
results view which looked like below:


I think thats more in keeping with whats actually going on and more
descriptive of how the exchange actually works.

Are there any objections to this change? If not ill commit it tomorrow.


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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