Julien Lavigne du Cadet wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to delete a queue with Qpid 0.5, please see the log below. As far as I understand, this line tends to show that the queue exists : 2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug No messages to dispatch on queue 'management.Spy.40006ee0-17cf-4c6d-bb2c-6533e19d8c99'

However, just a few lines after, I get this when sending a Queue.Delete message : 2009-jul-28 10:28:06 debug Exception constructed: Queue not found: management.Spy.40006ee0-17cf-4c6d-bb2c-6533e19d8c99 (.\qpid\broker\SessionAdapter.cpp:742)

Is it possible that the queue was deleted previously when there was still a consumer attached?

The exception indicates that the queue is not in the queue registry. However the earlier line indicates that it still exists and has a consumer attached to it.

If a queue is deleted from 'under' a consumer, then at present the queue object will continue to exist until that consumer is closed. However it will not be visible to any of the AMQP commands (message-subscribe, queue-delete, queue-query, exchange-bind etc). (A consequence of this is that declaring a new queue of the same name will succeed, and the management tools will show two queue with the same name).

Any suggestions?


2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug No messages to dispatch on queue 
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug No messages to dispatch on queue 
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug No messages to dispatch on queue 
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 trace RECV []: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; 
{MessageAcceptBody: transfers={ [151,151] }; }]
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 trace guest.1f9817ea6-13cc1-14b1c-1b19a-13160ad10a1d9: 
recv cmd 209: {MessageAcceptBody: transfers={ [151,151] }; }
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug DeliveryRecord::setEnded() id=151
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug Accepted 151
2009-jul-28 10:27:59 debug guest.1f9817ea6-13cc1-14b1c-1b19a-13160ad10a1d9: 
receiver marked completed: 209 incomplete: { } unknown-completed: { [1,209] }
2009-jul-28 10:28:06 trace RECV []: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; 
{QueueDeleteBody: queue=management.Spy.40006ee0-17cf-4c6d-bb2c-6533e19d8c99;}]
2009-jul-28 10:28:06 trace guest.1f9817ea6-13cc1-14b1c-1b19a-13160ad10a1d9: 
recv cmd 210: {QueueDeleteBody: 
queue=management.Spy.40006ee0-17cf-4c6d-bb2c-6533e19d8c99; }
2009-jul-28 10:28:06 debug Exception constructed: Queue not found: 
2009-jul-28 10:28:06 error Execution exception: not-found: Queue not found: 
2009-jul-28 10:28:06 trace SENT []: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; 
{ExecutionExceptionBody: error-code=404; command-id=210; class-code=8; 
command-code=2; field-index=0; description=not-found: Queue not found: 
(.\qpid\broker\SessionAdapter.cpp:742); error-info={}; }]
2009-jul-28 10:28:06 trace SENT []: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; 
{SessionDetachBody: name=1f9817ea6-13cc1-14b1c-1b19a-13160ad10a1d9; }]
2009-jul-28 10:28:26 debug Message 00657DA0 enqueued on 
2009-jul-28 10:28:26 debug Message 00655D30 enqueued on 
2009-jul-28 10:28:26 debug Message 006997C8 enqueued on 
2009-jul-28 10:28:26 debug Message 0069A1B0 enqueued on 
2009-jul-28 10:28:26 debug Message 0064DD40 enqueued on 
2009-jul-28 10:28:26 debug Message 00655398 enqueued on 
2009-jul-28 10:28:31 debug DISCONNECTED []
2009-jul-28 10:28:31 debug guest.1f9817ea6-13cc1-14b1c-1b19a-13160ad10a1d9: 
detached on broker.
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Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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