Thought I'd mention this - I get some errors building a clean trunk on
Ubuntu and Windows.

On Windows, I'm running VC9 SP1 on XP (fully patched), CMake 2.8.0, boost
1.3.9 against r896143, clean checkout.
  cpp\src\qmf\engine\ResilientConnection.cpp gives me an error on line 416,
'write not a member of global namespace'.
  This causes qmfengine build to fail.

On Ubuntu, (my first build attempt there), Ubuntu x64, gcc 4.4.1, boost
1.40.0.cmake2, against r895713, clean checkout.
  cpp/src/qpid/broker/SaslAuthenticator.cpp line 26 gives me error 'type
qualifiers ignored on function return type'.

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