As some one who has written and debugged a fair number of the tests if you've got any major offenders in mind let me know and I'll get some text on them.



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On 29 Apr 2010, at 23:03, Rajith Attapattu <> wrote:

Hi All,

Sometimes it's very difficult to understand the intent of a test case
by just reading the code, especially if the test itself is wrong or
has bugs.

Therefore may I kindly ask anybody who writes a new test case or
debugs/works on an existing test case to document the following .

1. Goal : What the test is trying to achieve.
2. Strategy : How the test is constructed to achieve the above goal.

Obviously we don't need to document every test out there, as some
tests are very simple and where you can easily understand by just
reading the code.
But we do have a hell of a lot of tests that are not trivial. For
these test cases it's important we document the above.
It makes peoples life easy as they don't have to pull their hair &
curse while trying to guess what the original intent was.
Also it helps to identify if the test is wrong or if it's buggy.

So if you are working on an existing or new test case, please be
considerate and try to document it if it's not trivial.


Rajith Attapattu
Red Hat

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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