We are experiencing issues maintaining communication with Solace using AMQP. 
The base code is an example from Solace's 
 Sometimes, we are encountering the following error:
      [A close up of a text  Description automatically generated]
Additionally, there are situations where even when the application pods are 
down, Solace continues to indicate that the client is connected. Another 
scenario is that at times the pods are connected to Solace, but no messages 
from the queue are being consumed. The only solution to fix this is to restart 
manually, which would be a critical problem in a production environment. After 
a lot of research, we found this similar issue on your Jira: 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PROTON-2098. The solution for it was 
commited as showed in the picture bellow:
But looking in the code of 0.38.0 version, we noticed more changes in those 

 As this issue was already solved before, maybe some changes on newer versions 
brought that bug again. So, we're counting with  you to assist us with 
diagnosing and resolving this matter.

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