Though some discussions I have come to believe that we can do better
marketing our project. Simple things go a long way so in this regard
I would like to suggest that when we release 0.10 we make an effort
to talk about it.

This can be from twitter to a post on your favourite tech forum about the
0.10 release -- something new that you have added to 0.10, or just that
we have released. Think of it as a simple getting the word out campaign.

I would like to propose that every one try write / post something and so
that we don't all post to the location, mail the list with the location where
you would like to post.

I'll keep a list and post the consolidated view of where we are going to
collectively talk about the release when we go to vote on 0.10. Then
once it is releases we can do a bit of community marketing ...


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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