On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 11:55:03AM +0100, Alan Conway wrote:
> That is the right idea, but how do you wait for the underlying
> non-blocking operation to complete? We need to add callbacks or
> futures to the C++ non-blocking operations to do this. But a C++
> callback may be called in a non-ruby thread, I don't know what
> facilities ruby has to resolve that. A future just moves the problem
> - when you call   future.wait() you'll block ruby again.

That's very true. In thinking this through, it seems that a blocking
calling is going to inevitably block the Ruby < 1.9 main thread.

Is there a mechanism in place now where the broker can send a notice to
a client after an asynchronous process completes to say it's done? 

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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