On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 06:19:57PM -0400, Andrew Stitcher wrote:
> The problem is that the closest thing to a Unix file descriptor on
> Windows is a HANDLE. But SOCKETs are not HANDLEs.
> If all your application wants to do is receive data from sockets and
> multiplex that then a windows SOCKET is fine.
> But given you're writing a library which will be used by some arbitrary
> application I don't see how you can assert that the only thing this
> unknown application will be allowed to do in parallel in it's main loop
> with qmf is other network operations.

Okay, I'm getting the intent on yours and Steve's side now. I was still
focused more on providing the same capability as *nix on the Windows

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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