On 09/07/2011 07:31 AM, Gordon Sim wrote:
The broker at present will log warnings about overrunning timer tasks and late
wakeups. Not surprisingly, a common question from users is whether they should
be concerned with these statements and how they prevent them.

My belief is that in general they can be ignored. The information in the
warnings is only of interest if they are experiencing other problems that may be
connected to the precision of timer tasks. The most obvious issue - for which I
believe these warnings were introduced - is where clients are timing out due to
delays to broker heartbeats.

Tasks that require a degree of precision (e.g. heartbeats) to function correctly
imply constraints on other tasks driven by the same timer thread. If this is a
concern these constraints should be made explicit. We can then either have
different timer instances with different constraints, or separate the processing
of (longer running) tasks from their activation.

Going back to the logs however, I think these warnings should be demoted to
informational statements (at most). It is much easier to turn them on if needed
(--log-enable info+:Timer) than it is to turn them off if not.

I know this has been raised before... any objections to making this change?

Nope, I say do it.

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