On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Robbie Gemmell
<robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 October 2011 16:36, Rajith Attapattu <rajit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Rob Godfrey <rob.j.godf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sorry for being a little late responding to this thread...
>>> Stepping back for a second I think it's probably worth laying out how we
>>> think this should work, and if we can come to agreement about that then we
>>> can aim to have a complete solution in place for our next release (not this
>>> one).
>>> My view (and having discussed with Rafi, I think he is on broadly the same
>>> page) is:
>>> 1) The Destination object should not contain any protocol specific
>>> information
>>> 2) The Destination object should not contain any information about the
>>> syntax used to generate it
>>> 3) Resolution information (based on interacting with the broker) should be
>>> determined by, and stored in the Session/Connection (and is therefore
>>> potentially protocol specific)
>>> In practice this would mean creating factory classes to create destination
>>> objects. I would expect our destination object to be modelled after the
>>> properties defined in the addressing syntax.  Each existing syntax would
>>> need a parser/factory which would parse strings of the given syntax and
>>> create a Destination object with the appropriate properties. For BURL style
>>> addresses this would obviously be slightly more work as there is some
>>> concept translation going on.  note that with this approach it will be
>>> entirely possible (though not necessarily very desirable) to use both
>>> syntaxes with both protocols.
>>> I also strongly favour making the destination objects themselves immutable.
>>> One of the major issues of debate has been how the destination objects
>>> defined as are instantiated as concrete implementations of the JMS
>>> Destination hierarchy.  What I would suggest is the following:
>>> 1) The implementations of classes implementing Topic/Queue are simple
>>> derived classes from our base Destination class with only implementations of
>>> extra methods such as getTopicName() and getQueueName() respectively (with
>>> both these simply being delegations to getName() on the base class).
>>> 2) The factories can be told explicitly to create a Topic or a Queue from an
>>> address string (thus passing a string into the createQueue(..) method will
>>> always result in a Queue object being returned).
>>> 3) For the ADDR syntax addresses, if the string includes an explicit node
>>> type, then this is used to determine which sort of instance to create. (For
>>> BURL syntax the existing conventions it uses should be followed)
>>> 4) When generating destination objects from reply-to fields in incoming
>>> messages, the logic is necessarily protocol specific.  The 0-8/9 style
>>> carries a full address string, and the normal factory can be used; for 0-10
>>> we can use similar techniques to those that we must currently be using (i.e.
>>> resolution may be attempted prior to calling the factory).
>>> 5) For all JMS defined methods which take either a queue or topic argument,
>>> we should ensure that we also have a method defined in our implementations
>>> which takes the more generic destination object (obviously calls to these
>>> methods may fail if it happens that the node on the broker is not suitable
>>> for the requested operation).
>>> At the end of this we should have a clean implementation where protocol
>>> specific features are solely in connection/Session related classes (i.e. in
>>> the protocol specific parts of the implementation), and address syntax parts
>>> are soley in the parsers for those syntaxes.
>>> What are people's thoughts/questions?
>> I agree with most of your thoughts.
>> I strongly agree that Destinations should be immutable (it was
>> certainly a goal in my effort to refactor).
>> I fully support points # 1-5 about the JMS Destination hierarchy which
>> is pretty much what I envisioned too.
>> (Robbie raised some concerns about address resolution and the need to
>> have destinations created having either Queue or Topic interfaces
>> instead of just the generic Destination interface - has the above 5
>> points sufficiently answered Robbie's concerns ?)
> There will still be some room for things to only implement
> Destination, but the ones that are specified with a type will be able
> implement Queue or Topic, which sufficiently pleases me as it allows
> us to fullfill the entire JMS API from JNDI generated destinations
> rather than just 1/3rd of it.

Agreed this is pretty much the compromise I suggested as well (see my
first email on the thread).
We could encourage users to explicitly specify the "type" so we can
create the correct implementation.
If the type isn't specified we will have to go with the generic
implementation and query at resolution time to figure out the type.

I believe Rob's point #5 pretty much describes the possible solutions
outlined in my first email on this thread.
So I'm happy about the direction where this is all heading.

>> The only thing I wasn't sure about was (and the major debating point
>> so far at least for me) that not having protocol specific destination
>> classes, and instead moving that to Session/Connection classes. The
>> existing system which follows this model is an epic failure, so I
>> thought I'd experiment with a different idea and see. I felt there was
>> more flexibility in that model.
>> But clearly I'm in the minority and most people think it's a bad idea
>> and I'm happy to go with the majority decision.
>> I'm happy to work on a solution that everybody feels is appropriate
>> and desirable.
>> Rajith
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rob
>>> On 17 October 2011 23:09, Robbie Gemmell <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 17 October 2011 20:58, Rajith Attapattu <rajit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Robbie Gemmell
>>>> > <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >> On 17 October 2011 16:01, Rajith Attapattu <rajit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 5:54 AM, Robbie Gemmell
>>>> >>> <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >>>> Why do we resolve Address node types? This question arose during
>>>> >>>> review of proposed updates to the Address syntax implementation for
>>>> >>>> the Java client, but ultimately looks to be a wider question for all
>>>> >>>> the clients and so I am asking it here outwith that review.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> The documentation for the Address syntax on the Qpid and MRG websites
>>>> >>>> states that nodes can be specified as Queues or Topics, but that nodes
>>>> >>>> are Queues by default.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Throughout my reply the word 'node' means Queues & Exchanges in 0-10
>>>> speak.
>>>> >>> The default applies when the node referred to by the address name does
>>>> >>> not exist and the client has received instructions to create it.
>>>> >>> (The documentation does have a lot of gaps and that's a all together a
>>>> >>> separate discussion :) ..)
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The client should give the same default behaviour regardless of what
>>>> >> another user has done, so I dont think the above is correct behaviour.
>>>> >> Whether an exchange exists with that name should be irrelevant if
>>>> >> queues are the default. It also certainly isnt what the documentation
>>>> >> says:
>>>> >
>>>> > As I said I don't think the documentation does a good job of
>>>> > explaining the concepts clearly.
>>>> >
>>>> The documentation seems perfectly reasonable.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> "The node-type is one of:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>    topic: in the AMQP 0-10 mapping, a topic node defaults to the
>>>> >> topic exchange, x-declare may be used to specify other exchange types
>>>> >>
>>>> >>    queue: this is the default node-type"
>>>> >
>>>> > Robbie the address syntax was posted a while ago and all the clients
>>>> > implement it in the same way.
>>>> > AFAIK the C++ client (and the python if I am not mistaken) behaves
>>>> > exactly the same way.
>>>> >
>>>> > Your argument has winder consequences as it isn't limited to just the
>>>> > Java client.
>>>> > So I'd let Gordon & Rafi to also weigh in on their opinions on this.
>>>> >
>>>> I am aware the syntax was posted a while ago. As it is documented it
>>>> does not describe the need for doing what I now see the implementation
>>>> does in automagically picking node types if you dont specify one, and
>>>> I would have objected at the time if I thought it did. As we said in
>>>> the original email, its entirely possible we could do different thing
>>>> for all the clients in this regard, although I dont personally believe
>>>> that to be sensible.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>>> It appears that the clients (at least the Java
>>>> >>>> one) instead ignore that statement and decide that if the user hasn't
>>>> >>>> specified a type then it should decide one for them, querying the
>>>> >>>> broker and figuring out whether there is a Queue or Exchange with the
>>>> >>>> node name and then picking Queue or Topic as the node type depending
>>>> >>>> on which exists (or throwing an exception if both do because the type
>>>> >>>> is ambiguous).
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> In general applications should not be creating nodes (Queues &
>>>> >>> exchanges in 0-10 speak) in the broker.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> That is odd, since the API supports it quite explicitly, more so now
>>>> >> than it ever did before.
>>>> >
>>>> > When you say API are you referring to the JMS API or the addressing
>>>> syntax?
>>>> Addressing syntax.
>>>> > Either way in my experience Queues are usually administered separately
>>>> > and the applications merely use them.
>>>> > Also I didn't say that we prohibit the explicit creation either. Just
>>>> > that in general applications tend to use already created Queues (other
>>>> > temp queues ..etc).
>>>> >
>>>> I would direct you to the user list for evidence of people doing
>>>> otherwise, and I can think of a wide number of off-list users who just
>>>> love to use such functionality; its farily widely used.
>>>> >> Seems like people can, will, and heavily do
>>>> >> use that feature, so we should probably take it into consideration
>>>> >> more fully.
>>>> >
>>>> > Again the address syntax does nto prohibit explicit creation, just
>>>> > that it's not the default.
>>>> > The JMS client with the BURL had this very undesirable behaviour of
>>>> > creating queues and exchanges (and only through consumers) which did
>>>> > cause issues with several application situations.
>>>> >
>>>> Noone said it is the default anymore but, as you note, it was for many
>>>> years (entrenched user base = true) and is still entirely possible to
>>>> do (its easier now), so its impact needs to be considered.
>>>> >>> Therefore when an address is given, the client will attempt to verify
>>>> >>> the existence of the node referred by the address name.
>>>> >>> It also important to figure out what type of a node if the type is not
>>>> >>> explicitly specified.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The documentation says that the default is Queue, so why should we
>>>> >> bother to figure anything out? It seems entirely unreasonable that the
>>>> >> client can pick from different values (well, all the values, since
>>>> >> there are only 2 choices, Queue and Topic) if a node type is not
>>>> >> specified. Depending on what someone else might have done to the
>>>> >> broker, you could get a different answer each time, i.e it basically
>>>> >> doesnt have a default.
>>>> >
>>>> > I'd let Rafi and Gordon comment on this.
>>>> >
>>>> >>> This makes it easy for applications to specify addresses, as in most
>>>> >>> cases and address is simply a "name".
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> The "type" is important as it helps to figure out if it's a Queue or a
>>>> Topic.
>>>> >>> As the semantics differ based on the type.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> That the type is important isnt in question, that we allow the client
>>>> >> to be in a position where we pick this for them (perhaps differently
>>>> >> than we did a previous time) is. We should pick a fixed default (as we
>>>> >> have documented), or make it a mandatory property and throw an
>>>> >> exception if it isnt present.
>>>> >
>>>> > Making the type mandatory maybe a reasonable compromise.
>>>> > Again I'd let others weigh in on this as well.
>>>> >
>>>> This would solve both the design issues (i.e Queue and Topic
>>>> destinations not implementing the appropriate JMS interfaces) and the
>>>> usability issues (clients automagically picking different node types
>>>> based on / impacted by other users actions), and so would seem a
>>>> logicial choice. Although, it ultimately doesnt seem much different to
>>>> respecting the syntax documentation and saying that the node is a
>>>> queue unless noted to be a topic (eg by specifying the node type
>>>> explicitly in the address string, or implicitly by using the
>>>> session.createTopic() JMS method).
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> I would like to understand why this auto-resolving behaviour was
>>>> >>>> introduced. I believe that this needs to be removed from the Java
>>>> >>>> client entirely so that we can properly implement the Destination
>>>> >>>> hierarchy and provide an implementation to our users which actually
>>>> >>>> lets them use all of the JMS API easily. I would also argue it should
>>>> >>>> be removed from any of the other clients that are doing it due to the
>>>> >>>> behavioural ambiguities it seems to introduce.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> For those wanting more of a read, here is some further elaboration to
>>>> >>>> the above (since the email got a lot longer than expected :D)
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Appreciate you taking the time to elaborate on your concerns. :)
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> In reviewing the proposed changes, Alex and I noted that it opened
>>>> >>>> possibility for creating Destination objects that don't implement
>>>> >>>> either the Topic or Queue interface, and instead use isTopic() and
>>>> >>>> isQueue() methods to check the answer against delegates which do
>>>> >>>> implement them. Rajith responded to our query on this that it was
>>>> >>>> because when creating an Address syntax based Destination from a
>>>> >>>> String, you cant tell what type of node it is until it is later
>>>> >>>> resolved against the broker.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I think this was more of an issue with my implementation rather than a
>>>> >>> design issue with the addressing syntax in general.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> If we attempt to resolve the destination early, rather than when it's
>>>> >>> used to create a consumer or a producer we can solve this issue.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Not really, if you dont have a Connection when the destination is made
>>>> >> (eg JNDI lookup) then you certainly cant resolve anything.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> Lets look at the two cases where destinations are created/retrieved.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> 1. When creating queues/topics directly using the session.
>>>> >>> We need to resolve the address and verify the name supplied before the
>>>> >>> method returns.
>>>> >>> Ex ssn.createQueue(String name) & ssn.createTopic(String name)
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Currently my patch doesn't do that and if that is implemented then we
>>>> >>> guarantee that the Object returned is indeed representing a 'Queue' or
>>>> >>> a 'Topic' on the broker (not just implementing the jms interface).
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> This doesnt seem necessary or entirely reasonable given what the
>>>> >> createQueue method says it does (makes a queue representation object,
>>>> >> therefore no reoslution necessary as it isnt making a queue on the
>>>> >> broker and its definitely not a Topic)
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> 2. Specifying addresses in the JNDI file.
>>>> >>> As you correctly pointed out this becomes an issue when we create
>>>> >>> destinations from the jndi file.
>>>> >>> As in this case when an application performs Destination dest =
>>>> >>> (Destination)ctx.lookup("my-dest"), we are unable to return a
>>>> >>> javax.jms.Topic or javax.jms.Queue implementation bcos we don't know
>>>> >>> the type unless explicitly specified.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> *** Perhaps this maybe the very reason why in JMS 1.1 they introduced
>>>> >>> the generic Destination interface.***
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Off the top of my head, I see two solutions to this.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> (a) . The users needs to explicitly specify the "type" when they
>>>> >>> specify addresses in the jndi file. And we use that to return a
>>>> >>> destination object that works specifically with the Queue or Topic
>>>> >>> interface.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> This doesnt seem too unreasonable, however having a default node type
>>>> >> that is actually respected seems even more reasonable. Our docs
>>>> >> explicitly say that if type is not provided then node type is queue.
>>>> >> This seems like a sensible approach, so perhaps we should actually try
>>>> >> doing what the documentation says :)
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> (b.1) Or not use the JMS 1.0 interfaces (which requires the
>>>> >>> specialized Queue or Topic interfaces) if a type is not specified.
>>>> >>>        Obviously if they attempt to use a destination impl which
>>>> >>> simply implements the generic interface with the JMS 1.0 interfaces
>>>> >>> they would get a class cast exception.
>>>> >>>         Please note The JMS 1.1 interfaces will work correctly with
>>>> >>> the generic Destination interface.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The Topic and Queue related parts of JMS 1.0 are still part of JMS 1.1.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Dropping of support for those interfaces is in no way a reasonable
>>>> >> solution to what is effectively an implementation issue with the
>>>> >> Address syntax.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> (b.2) Another solution would be something akin to the
>>>> >>> AMQAnyDestination (not a big fan of this). That is the
>>>> >>> AddressBasedDestination implements both the Topic & Queue interfaces
>>>> >>> allowing it to be passed into the JMS 1.0 interfaces and inside those
>>>> >>> method implementations we perform a check to see if they are indeed
>>>> >>> Queues or Topics by resolving an returning the correct
>>>> >>> AddressBasedTopic or AddressBasedQueue destination for the methods to
>>>> >>> work with.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> That is indeed not a good aproach.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> There maybe more elegant solutions to this problem. I need to think a
>>>> >>> bit more here. But I'm sure we can come up with something better.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The best solution would appear to be stopping unecessarily querying
>>>> >> the broker to resolve destinations and always respect the user setting
>>>> >> (or lack thereof) for a node type.
>>>> >
>>>> > The querying and verifying the address is fundamental in the address
>>>> syntax.
>>>> > IMO, wthout that it wouldn't really work the way it was designed for.
>>>> >
>>>> Querying to verify the address once it is known seems fine, but
>>>> querying to decide what the address is in the first place (by
>>>> automagically picking a node type if it wasnt specified) is another
>>>> matter entirely.
>>>> >>>> This is troubling for various reasons, e.g. that it makes the code
>>>> >>>> uglier,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> This can be worked out. As I mentioned the proposed changes is the
>>>> >>> first step in a series of patches.
>>>> >>> I think we can do better with the code to make it less ugly and I'm
>>>> >>> experimenting to get there.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> and then the slightly more pressing issue that it means it
>>>> >>>> wont be possible for users to use the majority of the JMS API with the
>>>> >>>> destinations they create from JNDI since many of the methods require
>>>> >>>> destinations which implement the Queue or Topic interface and not just
>>>> >>>> the super Destination interface.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Again I'd like to draw your attention to the distinction between JMS
>>>> >>> 1.0 and JMS 1.1 interfaces.
>>>> >>> The JMS 1.1 interfaces will work very well with the generic
>>>> >>> javax.jms.Destinaitons.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> And by using the solution I outlined above we could ensure we provide
>>>> >>> the specialized interfaces required by the 'older' JMS 1.0 interfaces.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> This behaviour seems highly undesirable to me, as in addition to the
>>>> >>>> design related issues discussed above that it provokes that sparked
>>>> >>>> the question, it simply seems unreasonable that we should be making
>>>> >>>> those decisions for the user (especially since we have documented that
>>>> >>>> we don't). This auto-resolution system also seems to open the
>>>> >>>> possibility of one users configuration unwittingly altering the
>>>> >>>> behaviour of another users application e.g. by creating an Exchange
>>>> >>>> with a given name later on, causing another users code to switch
>>>> >>>> without their consent from using Queues which might have been
>>>> >>>> auto-delete to using Topics, or by creating an Exchange where a Queue
>>>> >>>> with the same name already exists and causing another users client to
>>>> >>>> throw exceptions it didn't previously because the type can no longer
>>>> >>>> be auto-resolved. It also isn't clear how this is meant to interact
>>>> >>>> with the 'assert' functionality; surely we will sometimes be able to
>>>> >>>> pass an assertion for a decision we made, even if that isn't what the
>>>> >>>> user code used to be asserting against?
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Furthermore, it has been pointed out on the user list that this type
>>>> >>>> of querying can be a point of performance degradation, forcing (it
>>>> >>>> doesn't seem to be configurable?) the client to somewhat needlessly
>>>> >>>> round-trip to the broker in many cases it doesn't seem necessary.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >>>> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
>>>> >>>> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
>>>> >>>> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >>> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
>>>> >>> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
>>>> >>> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
>>>> >> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
>>>> >> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> > Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
>>>> > Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
>>>> > Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
>>>> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
>>>> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
>> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
>> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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