On 11/23/2012 01:38 PM, eugene wrote:

I am trying to use the x-bindings property and I just can't. :(
Here is my case scenario:

Here is the producer:

String ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE = "amq.topic";
String producerQueue  ="producerQ; {create:always,
node:{x-declare:{auto-delete:true, exclusive:true, alternate-exchange:
'"+ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE+"'}}}"; // +
Session session = createSession();
MessageProducer producer =

^^^ this should be producerQueue, right?

TextMessage message      = session.createTextMessage("Some Payload");
Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);

So, while this is running (Thread.sleep), I stop it. What this means is that
the message that is in the producerQ will get orphaned and because of the
alternate-exchange presence will get routed to the amq.topic exchange. This
is pretty clear to me.

Now the second part, before starting the code above, I start this one:

Session session = createSession();
Queue receiverQ  = session.createQueue("receiverQ; {create: receiver,
node:{x-bindings:[{exchange:'amq.topic', key:'producerQ',
queue:'receiverQ'}]}} ");          
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(receiverQ);
consumer.setMessageListener(new TestListener());

private static final class TestListener implements MessageListener {
                public void onMessage(Message message) {
                        System.out.println("================ received");
                        try {
                                AMQDestination destination =
                                System.out.println("============= " + 
                        } catch (JMSException e) {

Now I assume that because of the x-bindings declaration, the messages that
end in the amq.topic exchange and have the routing key set to : "producerQ"
will end in my receiverQ that I have a listener on.

But (otherwise I would not write this), no message gets into my listener.

I think that there is something wrong with the declaration of x-bindings,
but I am not sure.

It looks ok to me (I myself would probably go for session.createTopic("amq.topic/producerQ"), but that is likely a matter of preference only).

Just to check - you did call Connection.start, right? Can you send me the broker log for this case and I can see if anything obvious leaps out...

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