On Fri, 2013-03-01 at 08:24 +0000, Fraser Adams wrote:
> This looks really interesting. I've certainly been wondering about JMS 
> style message selectors for a while, it was on my "TODO" list to have a 
> play with when I get a break from QMFing so that's one I can park :-)
> I think that this is a pretty important new feature that we should 
> publicise properly and keep users properly in the loop on.

I plan to be getting my work so far into 0.22 and will (try to) properly
publicise on the user list.

> I've got a couple of questions though.
> 1) I was looking through the Jira list that Irina Boverman sent out the 
> other day and noticed https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-1766 
> which looks to have originated back in 2009. There seemed to be a fairly 
> long comment thread on that Jira but I'm not aware that it made it in to 
> any release? Andrew's work seems unrelated (other than being another 
> implementation of message selectors). Does anyone have the background?? 

I don't have specific background, but the my selector work is really
only possible because Gordon performed a thorough refactoring of the C++
broker queue code and created a single uniform place to do the
filtering. I doubt that this old code would work anymore. However there
is no reason why there couldn't be multiple "selector" implementations
in the C++ broker and indeed the amqp 1.0 spec allows for multiple
filters on consume which is how we model this for 1.0.

> The Xquery approach seemed quite interesting (and I guess consistent 
> with the XML exchange) does anyone have an idea of the performance 
> differences between that approach and Andrew's??

None whatever, it would strongly depend on the selector itself in any

> 2) The approach for describing the selectors on the client side looks to 
> be done in the AddressString, That looks like a pretty good approach and 
> is consistent with a lot of things in Qpid but:

Well, I think it would be more correct to say that the selector is a
property of the link (which can be specified using the address syntax).

>      a) ISTR that with JMS the selector was passed from client to broker 
> using an "x-" property (can't recall exactly the
>          property but I'm pretty sure that it started x- whereas this 
> uses "qpid.selector") "qpid.selector" in itself isn't a big deal
>          but I'd be keen on absolute compatibility between C++ and Java 
> at both the broker and client level. I'd go so far as to
>          say interoperability is a prerequisite.

Currently interop isn't my focus, the functionality is. However
supporting JMS selectors is obviously important so I will make sure that
the Java client can use the new C++ broker selectors, however I can't
guarantee that older Java clients will be able to use it. Having said
this I'm not going to go out of my way to make it fail either if there
are simple things I can do to make it work. As far as I can tell
(without looking very hard) some work will need to happen in the current
Java client to use these new selectors anyway.

>      b) Following on from a) so does the Java client/broker allow 
> message selectors to be specified in an AddressString in
>          addition to being specified in createConsumer() on Session.

The default address parser allows you to put arbitrary properties in
there, so I'd guess yes, although I don't think that'd be a good way to
do it. In the C++ client I'm doing a small amount of work to decode the
link property and do the correct thing for 0-10 (and a different thing
for 1.0).

>      c) Following on from b) is there an intention to enhance the 
> qpid::messaging Session interface to provide an overloaded
>          createReceiver() method to take an Address and a message 
> selector. This last one is possibly a little moot and
>          arguably a little redundant but (apart from making things very 
> consistent with JMS) one advantage is that it allows one
>          to separate the concepts of subscription and filtering if so 
> desired. As an example I've got some cases where I've got
>          a mixture of C++ and Java consumers that subscribe to the same 
> data feed. As it happens some use different subsets so we've ended up 
> with quite contrived headers bindings to enable this, but it might be 
> cleaner to use selectors. In this case I'd quite like to enforce the 
> same Address String subscription (as that's the general "type" of the 
> data that         they are allowed to see) but allow them to choose to 
> filter subsets if the so wish.

This definitely an interesting idea, I absolutely agree that adding a
selector to an existing address is important. I'm also wondering whether
bound variables ala SQL might also be important for a client binding too
(to nip "bobby tables" in the bud - ie injection attacks).

I should point out that the current selector language is by no means the
full language although I do hope to have it much more fleshed out by the
actual release. There are 2 points here:

* I'm aiming at implementing the language specified in:
Which is NOT the same as the specified JMS language and needs some
translation of identifiers - this is why I say that some work will need
to happen on the Java client side. The good news is that this is a
(semi) standard for amqp 1.0.

* My current implementation (which is more flashed out than the posted
review - new review coming!) still does not support:
- IN
- any arithmetic

> I'm quite excited by this though - nice one!!

Thank you for your comments.


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