Could someone familiar with C++ qpid-Ping please have a look at this sometime?



Begin forwarded message:

From: <<>>
Date: February 23, 2014 at 5:53:17 PM EST
Subject: New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for Apache-Qpid


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Apache-Qpid found 
with Coverity Scan.

Defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

** CID 1186598:  Uncaught exception  (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/qpidbuilds/trunk/qpid/cpp/src/tests/qpid-ping.cpp: 70 in main()

*** CID 1186598:  Uncaught exception  (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
/qpidbuilds/trunk/qpid/cpp/src/tests/qpid-ping.cpp: 70 in main()
64                 ("quiet,q", optValue(quiet), "Don't print anything to 
65         }
66     };
68     } // namespace
   CID 1186598:  Uncaught exception  (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT)
   In function "main" an exception of type "boost::bad_lexical_cast const" is 
thrown and never caught.
70     int main(int argc, char** argv) {
71         Connection connection;
72         PingOptions opts;
73         try {
74             opts.parse(argc, argv);
75             connection = Connection(opts.url, opts.connectionOptions);

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